Smash Up Munchkin Rules

SmaSh Up A fight for 2–4 players Objective Your goal is nothing short of total global domination! Use your minions to crush enemy bases. The first player to score 15 victory points (VP) wins!

Game cOntentS

This set contains:

8 factions with 20 cards each (160 cards total)

20 monster cards

22 treasure cards

16 base cards

1 token sheet (used as both Victory Point tokens and +1 power counters)

This rulebook Growing On You Smash Up Munchkin is a stand‑alone game, that is also fully compatible with the original Smash Up and all its expansions! These rules sometimes talk like you’ve got more than just these eight factions, or mention cards that aren’t in this expansion.  If you don’t already have  the original set, just think  of it as viral advertising.


SetUp Each player shuffles together two different  20‑card factions to make a 40‑card deck.

If you have two copies of Smash Up Munchkin, different players can use the same faction, pitting Elves against Elves, for instance. But one player can’t play with two copies of the same faction.  I mean, come on. Shuffle all the base cards together to make a deck. Ditto for the monster cards and the treasure cards. Draw one base per player, plus one (for example, use four bases for three players). Place the bases face up in the middle of the table. Draw monster cards for each base (see p. 7). Each player draws five cards. If you have no minions in your opening hand, you may show your hand, discard it, and draw a new hand  of five cards. You must keep the second hand. Whoever got up the earliest this morning goes first. Play continues clockwise. You’re ready to smash up some bases.


Kickin’ It Queensberry For formal play, put at least 8 factions in the middle of the table. Randomly determine who goes first. The first player chooses one faction. Choice continues clockwise. When everyone has chosen one faction, the last player chooses a second faction. Choice continues  in reverse order.

Any Combo Allowed Four of the factions in  Smash Up Munchkin correspond to races in Munchkin and the other four to classes. But you don't have to pick one of each for your combo. Sure, you can be Elf Mages, but you can also be Halfling Orcs, or Warrior Clerics!

Mixing It Up Other sets combine just fine with Smash Up Munchkin. Their bases don’t get any monsters to start with, but monsters and treasures can still be played on them just like on the Munchkin bases. 

bUildinG the baSe deck The Smash Up world has grown from the original 8 factions to 37, and there’s still more to come. That’s great! But you don’t have to play with all the bases at once. Each set comes with bases meant to go along with the factions in that set: Cthulhu bases deal with Madness cards, Munchkin bases deal with monsters and treasure. If you just shuffle all 74 bases together, there isn’t much chance for a player to get to see the bases that are best for the factions they are playing! So, after everyone chooses their factions, grab just the bases from the sets they came from. For example, if you have Orc Ninjas vs. Vampire Halflings, take the bases from the original game, Monster Smash, and Smash Up Munchkin to make your base deck. There you go!


thiS iS hOw YOU ROll 1  Start Turn Some abilities happen at the start of your turn. This is when that goes down. Yo. 2  Play Cards On your turn play one minion, play one action,  or play one of each … for free! You can play  your cards in any order. You don’t have to play any cards. Minions To play a minion, choose a base and put the minion card beside it, facing toward you. Do what the card says. (Cards that start with Special are a special case. See page 11 for an explanation.) Actions To play an action, show your card and do what it says. Boom! Then discard the action (unless it told you to play it on a base or minion). 3  Score Bases After you are done playing cards, check to see whether any bases are ready to score (see page 8). If any are ready, you must start scoring. 4  Draw 2 Cards Just what it says: draw 2 cards. If your deck is empty when you need to draw, reveal, search for or look at a card, shuffle your discard pile, and put it on the table face down — that’s your new deck. Start drawing from there. The maximum number of cards you can have in your hand at this time is 10. If you have more than 10 after drawing, discard down to 10.

5  End Turn Anything that happens at the end of the turn happens here. Then check to see if any players have 15 or more victory points. If so, see Game Over, Man! on page 8. Otherwise play passes to the player on the left.

Cheater! Y U Action Twice? Abilities only happen when you play a card from your hand, or any time a card says “play.” When minions just move around, that’s  not playing them.


mOnSteRS and tReaSUReS Monsters and treasures are new special types of cards in Smash Up Munchkin. During setup, the treasures are shuffled together to form their own deck and the monsters shuffled to form theirs. These are put to the side for any player to use when necessary. Players may not draw from these decks unless instructed to do so during the course of the game. Each of these decks has its own discard pile and any time a treasure or a monster leaves the play area, it goes to the appropriate discard pile, not to a player’s discard pile


Monsters Bases in Smash Up Munchkin have a monster number (see p. 6). Whenever a base is put into play, that many monsters are drawn from the monster deck and played on the base. To save table space, you may overlap the monster cards so only their power and abilities show. Monsters are minions, and their abilities trigger just as with normal minions. Monsters are a special type of minion card. They have a treasure number. If a monster is destroyed, the player who controls the effect that destroys it draws that many treasure cards and places them in his or her hand. If a base with monsters on it scores, the treasures for all the remaining monsters are shared among the players with minions there (see page 9). 

Monsters are treated as normal minions in all ways except: When a base is played that has a monster number on it, that many monsters are played from the deck onto the base. Monsters do not count against the threshold of the base they are on. Instead, they ADD to the breakpoint of the base. If someone takes control of a monster, however, it stops adding to the base’s breakpoint and acts as a normal minion of that player. Monsters are not played from players’ hands but directly from the top of the monster deck. They can only be played by cards that specifically say to play a monster. Playing a monster does not count against a player’s limit of one minion per turn. Monsters always go to their own discard pile when they leave play. Monsters have no owner or faction, so cards that refer to a minion’s owner do not apply to monsters. Treasures Treasures are treated as normal actions and minions in all ways, except: Treasures go to their own discard pile when they leave play. Treasures have no owner or faction. However, they do have a controller as normal. 


the biG ScORe Score a base if the total power of all minions on that base equals or exceeds the base’s breakpoint — including the monsters’ power added to it (see page 7). If more than one base is ready to score, the player whose turn it is decides which one to score first. When a base has been chosen to score, each player first gets to use any Special abilities that happen “before” the base scores. If the total power on a base drops below its breakpoint after it is chosen, you still finish scoring the base. For example, Treehouse has two Hippogriffs on it, raising its breakpoint to 21. The total power on it reaches 22 and it breaks. But the Hippogriffs’ ability triggers and their randomly chosen targets are a Taunter and a Turner. That drops the total power there below 21, but since it’s already started scoring, it still finishes. Me First! If more than one player wants to use a Special ability, start with the current player and go around the table clockwise until all players pass in sequence. If you pass and another player uses a Special, you can then still choose to use a Special of your own. If your Special allows you to play extra cards, you must play those immediately or not at all.


Awarding VP The players with the highest, the 2nd highest, and 3rd highest power on a base are the winner, runner up, and third place! They get victory points equal to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd number on the base card respectively. Anyone with the 4th highest power or lower gets nothing. If there are fewer than 3 players on a base, no one gets the VPs for the unclaimed spots. Dispense VP tokens in the appropriate amounts to everyone who scored. Special abilities that happen “when” a base scores may change how this happens. You must have at least one minion on a base to get victory points.

Game Over, Man! At the end of any turn when             someone reaches 15 VP, the player with the most victory points wins. If there is a tie for the most, keep playing turns until there isn’t. No sharing! Except for your two factions. You guys are BFFs.


Getting Loot After awarding VPs, if the scoring base has monsters on it, the treasure numbers of all the monsters on it are added, and that many cards from the treasure deck are revealed. Shuffle the treasure discard pile if needed. Until the treasures are all claimed, players take turns choosing one of the revealed cards to add to their hand, in order of the amount of power they have at the base, from highest to lowest. Break ties by going clockwise from the current player. A player must control a minion at the base in order to be included in the treasure distribution; however, all players with minions there are included, not just the top three. For example, if player A and player B each have at least one minion on the base and the monsters there have a total treasure value of 5, then 5 cards will be revealed from the base. If player A had the higher total power, they will choose one of the cards, then player B will choose one, then player A will choose another, etc. Player A will get first, third, and fifth choices, and player B will get second and fourth. Player C did not have a minion on the base, and will not get any treasure.


Back to Your Corners After scoring, players can use Special abilities that happen “after” a base scores. Then all cards still on that base go to their respective discard piles — monster, treasure or owners. This does not destroy them, but might trigger abilities that happen when they go to the discard pile. Put the scored base into the base discard pile. Replace it with the top card of the base deck, and play monsters on it as necessary. Shuffle the base or monster discard pile if needed. Check to see if another base is ready to be scored. Score it too, the same way. Tie Fighter If players are tied on a base, all involved players get points for the best position they tied for. So, if three players had 10, 10, and 5 power on a base when it scores, the winners with 10 power each get first place points! The player with 5 power then gets third place, not second. If two players tie for runner up, no one gets third place. Harsh. If players tie for a base’s ability, they each get to use it. See Me First! on the previous page to settle conflicts. 


Scoring order: 1. Bases are checked to see if any are ready to score. If none are, go to the next Phase. 2. The current player chooses a base that  is ready. 3. Players may play and/or invoke any “Before scoring” special abilities. 4. VPs are awarded according to the current power totals. “When scoring” abilities may trigger now or in the next step.

5. Treasures from any monsters on the base are awarded. 6. Players may play and/or invoke any “After scoring” special abilities. This may affect steps 7‑9. 7. All cards on the base are discarded. 8. The base is discarded. 9. A new base is chosen to replace it. Monsters are placed on it as required. 10. Go to step 1.


teRmS and ReStRictiOnS Some restrictions apply.  See rules for details.  Supplies limited.

Affect: A card is affected if it is moved, returned, destroyed, placed, or is changed in power or controller, or has an action attached. 


Cancel: This means the ability is treated as if it does not exist. 

Control: By default, each card you play is controlled by you. Monsters are controlled by no one unless you explicitly take control of them. If you take control of a card, it is just like you were the person who played it: minions add to your power total, abilities on the card apply to you and you can use them, etc. Controlling a minion does not mean you control any actions played on it, but their abilities apply normally. When a card leaves play, it returns to its owner, not its current controller; but monsters and treasures go to their own piles. 

Destroy: This lets you remove a card that’s in play and put it in the appropriate discard pile. 

Discard: This lets you put a card that is not in play into the discard pile. It comes from your hand unless it says otherwise. 


Extra: An extra minion or action is one you can play in addition to the normal quota of one of that type per turn. Extra cards are optional, and you don’t have to play the extra card right away, unless the extra card was gained by a Special ability or outside the Play Cards phase. Monsters also do not count toward the quota.

In Play: Cards in play are in the middle of the table, i.e. an active base or any card on it. Cards in the hand, deck or discard pile are not in play. 


Move: This lets you move a card from one base to another. Moving a card does not count as playing it. Minion abilities do not happen when you move a card, but Ongoing, Special, and Talent abilities still have their effects. 

Ongoing: Most abilities happen and then they’re over, or else they end at the end of the turn. Ongoing abilities are active for as long as they’re in play. 


On your turn: This means during the normal Play Cards phase of your turn. 


Owner: The player whose deck the card originally came from. Monsters and treasures have no owner.

Place: This lets you relocate a card in a way not covered by other terms, such as from a base to the bottom of your deck, or from the discard pile to your hand. 

Play: You play a card when it’s one of the free cards you get in step 2, or any time an ability specifically says that you’re playing it. A monster is also played when required by a base newly in play. A card’s ability happens when you play it. When cards are moved, placed, or returned, they’re not being played, and their abilities don’t happen. Unless it says otherwise, monsters are played from their deck, and all other cards from the players’ hands. 


Return: This means that a card goes back where it came from. When a card returns from a base, discard attachments on that card. Special: Most abilities happen when you play a card. Special abilities happen at unusual times or in unusual ways. Special abilities might trigger on a card already in play, or in your hand or discard pile. A card’s ability will describe how it can be used. If you use a Special ability to play a card on your turn, it doesn’t count as one of your free cards for that turn. Talent: This is an ability that the minion or action may use once during the Play Cards phase of each of your turns. You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. 

To: Some cards say, “Do X to do Y” (e.g. “Discard cards equal to a minion’s power to destroy it.”) With these cards, if X gets thwarted for any reason (e.g., you don’t have enough cards in hand), then you can’t do any of X, or Y, either. So there. Transfer: This lets you relocate action cards or power counters from one minion to another. When adding counters to your minions (from the pool), or discarding counters from your minions (to the pool), that’s  not transferring. Undead: A class of monster affected by Turners and Whack‑AGhoul. If it isn’t labeled “Undead”, it isn’t undead for this purpose, even if its faction might seem so (e.g. Zombies, Ghosts, Vampires). 


claRificatiOnS And Stay Down!: This does not cancel the resolved effects of Specials played before it. Ties for the highest power count. Charm: If a monster is controlled when a base breaks, its treasures still go into the general pot. Curse of Uselessness:  A minion with CoU still has power, but that power does not count towards breaking the base or earning VPs. A monster with CoU doesn’t add to the breakpoint. If you only have a minion with CoU on it at the base, your total there is 0, and if 0 is one of the top 3 totals you can still earn VPs. Dancing Root: Cards are discarded after they are resolved, so Dancing Root is not shuffled in. Deep Friar: If both Deep Friars are on a base, they trigger separately, so they cannot both save  each other. Flower Child: This card and the minion swapped with it have no connection: when one of them leaves play the other one is not given back. Flower Child cannot swap with a monster, unless it is controlled by a player.

The Gauntlet:   Monsters played because of The Gauntlet’s ability are played by the base, not by a player. They do not trigger Web Troll, Leprechaun, etc. Gimme!: Gimme! can only get you one card, even if the minion has two or more. Gimme! can transfer the card even if the destruction fails. Happy Zapper: Its ability triggers when its base scores even if it was used earlier that turn. Helping Hands: Losing a VP does not affect any cards, so cards like Too Tough do not block  the loss. Lord of the Prance: “Monsters” is not a faction, so you may not choose it. Plutonium Dragon:   The treasures of any monsters the Dragon destroys are discarded. Potion of Paralysis: This does not cancel the ability of the base, or of cards at other bases or in hands. It does cancel those of cards played to its base after it is played.


Pumping Iron: Neither player is required to choose one of their  own minions. Strip Bare: Removing actions does not count as an effect, so cards like Dork Orc don’t stop this. Subterranean Lair: You may invoke this any time during your Play Cards phase, even if you already invoked it earlier and moved the minion off. Tiger Steed: Despite its name, Tiger Steed is a separate minion, not played on or with any other minion. Too Tough: If played on another player’s minion, Too Tough protects it from that player’s actions. Topper Chopper:  Most factions have two 4‑power minions. Topper Choppers have extra power instead of  a useful ability. Web Troll: Monsters played because of Web Troll do not count towards the base’s monster number. Whack-A-Ghoul: Undead monsters “whacked” here are not replaced, so this base can start with no monsters on it. 


vOid wheRe pROhibited Often, card text and rules text will conflict. When there’s a fight, card text always wins. It has a black belt in rule‑fu. If cards conflict, the one that says you can’t do something beats the one that says you can. If multiple effects would happen at the same time, the player whose turn it is chooses the order. If a single effect affects multiple players, the order starts with the current player and goes clockwise. You can play a card even if its ability can’t happen. For example, you can play an action that destroys a minion even if no minions are in play. This helps you get unneeded cards out of your hand. You must follow a card’s ability, even if it’s bad for you. However, Talents are always optional, as are abilities that say you “may” do them. If an ability says “any number” you may choose one, or even zero. You may play a card that says “all” even if there are no targets. If you get to play extra minions or actions while a base is being scored, you must play those extra cards immediately or not at all. When a card goes to the hand, deck or discard pile, it goes to the one belonging to the card’s owner, no matter who played or controlled it. Exception: monsters and treasures go their respective discard piles. Specials may be played at any time they are applicable, even on other players’ turns. Anyone may look through any discard pile at  any time.


“A minion” or “minions” means any minion in play, including monsters and treasures, unless stated otherwise. The power of a minion not in play is only the number printed on it, but once in play its power includes all modifications. Its power may never go below zero. If a card resets a base’s breakpoint, that refers to its printed value. Monster power and other effects add to or subtract from that value. If a monster is controlled by a player, its power adds to the player’s power at that base. Otherwise, its power adds to the base’s breakpoint. If not stated, the effects of an ability expire at the end of the turn or when its card leaves play, whichever is sooner. “You” on a minion or action means the controller of the card; on a base it means any player it describes, often the current player. “Other players” means everyone except “you.” Monsters and treasures belong to no player or faction, and have no owner or hand. A monster has no controller unless a player takes control of it. Monsters are not opponents or “other players” to anyone, but each player is “another player”  to monsters. “Here” means the base the card is at; “there” means the base just referred to on the card. If you “look” at a card, show it to no one else. If you “reveal” it, show it to everyone else.


the factiOnS This set of Smash Up features eight factions, which combine to make 28 possible decks. As more factions join and try to take over the world from past and future expansions, the full number of possibilities will grow. Mix and match factions to suit your play style. Clerics  Munchkin Clerics are here to spread the holy word … and do some smiting while they’re at it! They’ve got blessings for you and curses for your opponents, all for a low, low tithe! Dwarves Digging underground for most of their lives gives them a sensitivity to light, especially the light glinting off a piece of treasure! It also gives them impressive muscles. The last place you want to be is between a Munchkin Dwarf, his pickaxe, and some treasure. Elves Munchkin Elves want everyone to live in harmony, and they’ll bash whomever they have to over the head to make that happen. Elves are also  quite happy to help you … and help  themselves, while they’re at it.


Halflings It’s hard to tell if you’re up to your knees in children or Munchkin Halflings. A stabbing feeling in your thigh and the faint smell of sausage almost definitely means Halflings. They get everywhere and they just keep coming! Mages What’s better than zapping your enemies with lightning from your fingertips? Summoning something else to do it for you! Munchkin Mages are great at distracting their foes by dropping monsters on their heads. Surprise! Orcs Birds travel in flocks. Deer travel in herds. Munchkin Orcs travel in hordes! It’s hard to beat the overwhelming power of the horde, or the smell. No, really. Don’t even try.


Moar Factions! Does more than one person want to play Warriors? Great! Combine two sets of Smash Up so people can draft and play the same factions against one another. Remember, you can’t put two of the same faction together! Just use one set of bases when combining.


Thieves Keep your eyes on Munchkin Thieves at all times. The moment you look away, you’ll find a dagger in your back and your precious treasures in someone else’s back … pocket!

Warriors Whether they’re from the windswept plains or the noblest castles, mighty Munchkin warriors live to fight! Using their brawn and all things pointy, warriors excel at killing things, especially Monsters.

ROll cReditS Game Design: Paul Peterson Development: Mark Wootton Art Direction: Todd Rowland Cover Art: John Kovalic, Gong Studios Graphic Design: Kalissa Fitzgerald Writing: Bryan Stout Editing: Edward Bolme Proofreading: Edward Bolme, Paul Petersen, Bryan Stout, Mark Wootton Layout and Typesetting: Kalissa Fitzgerald Production: Dave Lepore Brand Management: Todd Rowland Art: John Kovalic, Gong Studios, Francisco Rico Torres Playtesting Director: Bryan Stout Playtesting: Seth Abraham, Timothy Allen, Alexandra Allen,  William Wesley Anderson, Jon Anzalone, Victoria Anzalone, Todd Archer, D.J. Atanasoff, Ben Ayap, Bruce Bangerter, Daryl Bangerter, Bryce Bangerter, Laura Bangerter, Sara Bangerter, Daniel Ben, Brian Besc, Lynda Billard, Trevor Billard, Yvonne Billard, Daniel Blount, Wyatt Bode, Sue Boucher,  C.T. Bowen, Sarah Brennick, Geoffrey Briggs, Kirk Brownridge, Shawn Burk, Lana Burk, James Calleja, Alberto Campos, James Cartwright,  Debbie Cartwright, Emma Cartwright, Freya Cartwright, Jessica Cartwright, Kannon Cater, Sacha Cauvin, Dixie Chaille de Nere; Felix Chow,  Vando Clemente, Dustin Collins, Chris Dandro, Ashley Daniel, Doug Daniels,  Wim Debraekeleer, Charlie Downs, Bradley Dunsford, Emily Ellis,  Frank Engelking, Lisa Engelking, Andrew Escobedo, Jessica Faull, Jordan Fei, Aaron Foster, Jared Frail, Kevin Fuhr, Kyle Fuller, Jonathan Fuller, Noah Fuller, James Gaby, Daphne Galperin, Jonathan Gamble, Scott Gurman,  James Gurman, Lisa Gurman, Mackenzie Gurman, Justin Harrell,  Dean Harris, Zach Haslem, David Hicks, Emily Hicks, Ethan Hicks,  Doug Hilton, Javier Hinojos, Darren Humphrey, Shane Huntley,  

Stephanie Huntley, Kenneth Jardine, Tom Kiger, Eric Klinger,  Robert Koeninger, Ryan Larochelle, Calvin LeVally, Benjamin Little,  Anthony Lora, Vince Lupo, Kevin Ma, Simon MacDonald,  Sydney MacDonald, Joao Marcelino, Sam Martin, Jared McCready,  Sean McDonald, Paloma Medina, Fernando Menendez, Aaron Mershon, Jonathan Mersino, Jonathan Morgan, Camille Nichols‑Blount,  Kavindra Nichols‑Blount, Kenneth Osselaer, Isaac Payne, Mason Pember, Danielle Ramirez, Marvin Remirez, Normand Richer, Simon Roadhouse, Claire Roadhouse, Noah Routhier, Caleb Routhier, David Routhier,  Matthew Saille, Marcel Sanchez, Matthew Sanchez, Michael Sanchez, Nathalie Scheelk, Andy Schenkel, Amber Schulze, Kevin Seachrist,  Oscar Segoviano, Wesley Sermeus, Thomas Sharoyan, Emmanuel Silva, Trent Sohnle, Josiah Stinson, Bryan Stout, Annie Stout, Emma Strawn,  Kevin Stuntz, Alailima Talarou, Adam Taylor, Amy Taylor, Jeroen Tiels,  Voltaire Valdellon, Eric Wadsworth, Jenny Wadsworth, Mark Wallemans, Mark Wallis, Kyle Webb, David Wetzel, Elizabeth Weymouth,  Andrew Wilson, Michael Wilson, Josh Wilson, Carlos Alexandre Xavier  Legal Mumbo-Jumbo © 2015 Smash Up, Shufflebuilding and all related marks are ™ and © Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. 4045 E. Guasti Road #210,  Ontario, CA 91761 USA. All rights reserved. Made in China. Munchkin, the Munchkin characters, and the pyramid logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, used under license by Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Dork Tower characters are copyright © John Kovalic. All rights reserved Warning: Choking Hazard! Not for use by children under 3 years of age. Smash Up the Interwebs and Questions? Email

all YOUR baSicS Set Up Each player chooses two factions and shuffles them together to make a 40‑card deck. Draw a hand of five cards. Place one more base card than you have players in the middle of the table (for example, use five bases for four players). For each base, play monsters on it equal to its monster number. On Your Turn Play 1 minion and 1 action in either order. You can play fewer if you want to. Follow all instructions on card abilities as you play them. Check to see whether any bases can be scored. If they can, score them. Draw two cards. Discard down to a hand of 10 if necessary. Scoring After you are done playing minions and actions, if the total power of all minions meets or exceeds a base's breakpoint plus the power of its uncontrolled monsters, that base scores. The player with the highest power at that base is the winner and scores first place victory points. Second highest is the runner up and scores second place. Third highest scores third place. In case of a tie, each player receives full victory points for the highest place he or she qualified for. Add the treasure values of the surviving monsters and reveal that many treasure cards. In order of decreasing power on the base, all players with minions there take turns choosing a treasure until they are all taken. Resolve the ability on the base, discard minions there, and then replace it.

Winning When a player has 15 or more victory points at the end of a turn, he or she wins. If two or more players have more than 15 VP, the one with the most victory points wins. In case of a tie, play another turn. Additional Rules When a card disagrees with the rules,  the card wins. If cards conflict, the one that says you can't do something beats the one that says you can. If multiple effects happen at the same time, the player whose turn it is determines their order. You can play a card even if its ability  can’t happen. You must follow a card’s ability, even if it’s bad for you. If a card says you “may” do something, you have a choice whether to do it. If an ability says “any number” you may choose zero. You may play a card that says “all” even if there are no targets. Anyone may look through any discard pile at  any time. If you are playing with the Obligatory Cthulhu Set, reduce each player’s VP total by 1 for each 2 Madness cards they have. In case of a tie, the player with the lowest number of Madness card wins. Monsters and treasures have no owner or faction. Monsters don’t go to a hand, and are only controlled if an ability lets a player take control of them. A player who destroys a monster gets its treasure. Monsters and treasures always go to their discard piles when they leave play.