Cosmic Encounter Factions


Never goes to warp - green

You have the power of Immortality. Whenever you should lose ships to the warp, use this power to instead return them to any of your colonies and keep using them.
In addition, you may free any player's ships from the warp (back to any colonies he or she has) as part of a deal.

Shadowy forms on a dark and murky world, Zombies prized all sources of energy. They could flourish only by careful recycling of their own kind. Living on decomposed organic matter, they abhor the needless waste of war and have developed effective techniques to make sure their numbers will not be reduced

As any player mandatory- all phases


Not controlled by destiny - green

You have the power of Choice. As the offense, after you draw from the destiny deck, use this power to encounter any alien on any planet of your choice instead of encountering the alien mandated by the drawn destiny card (for example, you could choose to encounter the Virus' ships on the Mind's planet, even if you were actually directed to have an encounter with the Oracle by the destiny card). Any other effects caused by the drawn destiny card still take place as usual.


Arising on a cold and barren asteroid, the Wills gave no thought to legal niceties in their relentless struggle to capture the fain rays of a dying star. Unfairly charged with preying upon the weak, they wish only to find locations in which they may spread their solar membranes, unopposed


Offense Only - Mandatory - Destiny



Adds experience points - green

You have the power of Mastery. After an encounter in which you were a main player, add one token to this sheet if you won that encounter (or made a deal during it) or two tokens if you lost that encounter (or failed to make a deal during it). In either case, add one extra token if playing with four planets per player.
As a main player, after you reveal an attack card in an encounter, use this power to add 1 to your total for each token you have on this sheet. Tokens are not discarded from this sheet after doing so.

Once considered ferocious but dull-witted by more "enlightened" races, the Warrior clans were bred as fighting stock for the petty squabbles of their lords. Throughout the ages, however, they have learned the value of both defeat and victory. This wisdom gives them mastery over those who would sneer at their potential.

Main player only, Mandatory, reveal


Add ships in warp to total - red

You have the power of Necromancy. As a main player, after you reveal an attack card in an encounter, use this power to add 1 to your total for each ship (yours or otherwise) in the warp

Born of the slime and unpalatable scum in the most repulsive bars on dying planets, the Warpish seeks the pall of miserable places. Now it has found comfort in the depairing ambiance of the Cosmic warp

Main player only

Mandatory, Reveal


Collects discarded artifacts - green

You have the power to Salvage. Whenever any other player discards an artifact card (whether after playing it or not), use this power to add the artifact to your hand. Any artifact cards you play are discarded as normal and cannot be salvaged.
If you draw a new hand, you keep your old artifacts after revealing them, then draw eight new cards in addition to the artifacts.


Originally developing as a structured, bureaucratic race, only the Vulches who were most able to grasp new opportunities rose to the top. Over millions of years, this inbred scavenging talent flourished and spread throughout the race. Now, Vulches are prepared to sue the discarded refuse of others to achieve their goal of universal supremacy.

As any player Mantatory, all phases



Eradicates opponents ships - red

You have the power to Eradicate. As a main player, when you win an encounter, use this power to remove the losing side's ships from the game rather than sending them to the warp. A player cannot be reduced to fewer ships than the number of foreign colonies needed to win the game. Any eradicated ships that would reduce a player below this number are sent to the warp as normal.

Taught from vortexhood that no other intelligent life existed, the Voids were deeply offended to learn of alien races. They are now on a holy campaign to cleanse the heaves of all gross, material beings.

Main player only, resolution



Multiplies in attack - red

You have the power to Multiply. As a main player, after you reveal an attack card in an encounter, use this power to multiply the number of ships you have in the encounter times the value of your card instead of adding. Your allies' ships are still added to your total as usual.

Able to multiply rapidly in the presence of other life forms, the Virus soon overwhelmed its own planets and now waits for opportunities to proliferate throughout the Universe.

Main player only, mandatory, reveal



Takes other ships to warp - green

You have the power of Catharsis. Whenever you lose ships to the warp, use this power to take along up to an equal number of other ships. You specify which player must lose them, and how many each player must lose. The targeted players decide which colony or colonies the ships are taken from. Ships lost to the Vacuum this way are in addition to any ships normally lose in an encounter.

Suffering from severe necrophobia, the panicky Vacuum clings to others in a desperate attempt to save itself from the warp. Succeeding only in dragging innocent bystanders along, it takes solace in not going to its doom alone.

As any player, mandatory, all phases


Low cards triple, high cards 1/3rd - red

You have the power of Thrice. As a main player, after you reveal an attack card, use this power to adjust its value. If the card's value is 10 or less, triple its value. If the card's value is more than 10, divide its value by three (rounded up).

Millennia of obsessive racing and betting has given the the Triples a knack for making something out of nothing. The unfortunate downside of such flimflammery is that they have become equally prone to making nothing out of something. The Triplers now wish to redefine the Universe as an opportunity for their final race, forcing all other beings to bet everything they have on one final mad dash across the Cosmos.

main player only, mandatory, reveal


Trades hands with opponent - green

You have the power of Transference. As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may use this power to trade hands with your opponent. You each then keep the new hand.


Originating on a Trojan Cloud in a heavily traveled star system, the crafty Traders learned to use the most valuable debris which drifted their way and discard the rest. As their numbers grew, however, they began to search out markets for their low-grade material. With a wealth of resources always at hand, they became adept merchants and soon were carefully scrutinizing all galactic transactions. Now they have begun to parlay their economic foundation into Cosmic control.

Main player only, Optional, planning


Limits length of game - yellow

Game Setup: Place ten tokens on this sheet (eight if playing with four planets per player).
You have the power of Patience. Each time any player wins the encounter as the defense or a successful deal is made between any two players, use this power to discard one token from this sheet. If there are no more tokens on this sheet, you immediately win the game. You may still win the game via the normal method.

Lurking in the depths of space-time beyond even the warp itself, this mechanical race waits patiently for the heat-death of the Universe, when it will rule over the strange abyss that remains. In the meantime, they subtly turn the races of the Universe against each other to prevent them from discovering a way to prevent the inevitable.

as any player, mandatory, resolution


Receives colony as loser - green

You have the power to Crash Land. As the offense, when you lose an encounter, if both players revealed attack cards and you lost the encounter by 10 or more, you may use this power to land one of your ships that would otherwise be lost to the warp on the winning defensive planet. The ship coexists with the ships already there. This power does not allow you to coexist in places or with aliens that state otherwise.

Attacking vicious space monsters at incredible odds comes naturally to the valorous Spiffs. Their cunning and courage have let them save the day even when their doom seemed imminent. Let those who face them beware!

Offense only, optional, resolution


Can switch played cards - green

You have the power of Magic. As a main player, after encounter cards are selected, but before they are revealed, you may use this power to switch encounter cards with your opponent so that he or she reveals your card and you reveal your opponent's card.

Over eons the clan of Sorcerers studied the cosmic flow and learned to channel these tides to their own needs. Beginning with minor alterations in the probability patterns of matter, they progressed to transportation of objects over great distances. Undaunted by an occasional backlash of fate, they even now are humming the incantations of mastery.

main player only, optional, planning


removes other's ships - yellow

You have the power to Execute. Whenever any other player's color or a special destiny card that targets another player is drawn from the destiny deck, use this power to choose one of that player's ships form any colony of your choice and send it to the warp. On a wild destiny card, you may execute one ship belonging to any other player regardless of who the offense chooses to attack.

After being subjected to colonial domination for thousands of years, a hive of Shadows rose up on an outpost planet in a forgotten empire. Devoted to guerrilla warfare and adept at choosing the most isolated and vulnerable targets as their victims, they mercilessly cleansed their sector of its overlords. Having become imperialists themselves, however, they now have new uses for their old talents.

As any player, mandatory, destiny


Can use attacks as reinforcements - green

You have the power to Reinforce. As a main player or ally, after encounter cards are revealed, you may use this power to power to play one or more attack cards of 06 or less from your hand as if they were reinforcement cards of their listed value
As a main player or ally, when another player plays a reinforcement card, you may use this power to discard a negotiate card to cancel and discard that reinforcement card.

The Reserves became the dominant species on their home world by waiting for other beings to wear each other out and then arriving with timely force to deliver a knockout punch. Showing the effective use of timing, the Reserves call in extra strength just when they need it most.

main player or ally only, optional, reveal


gets cards or ships with others - yellow

You have the power to Cling. Whenever another player retrieves one or more ships from the warp, you may use this power to retrieve one of your ships from the warp as well. You may not retrieve a ship from the warp during the same encounter in which it went to the warp.
Whenever another player draws one or more cards from the deck, you may use this power to draw one card from the deck as well.

The universe's original tag-alongs, the Remoras first reached space as the valued servants of the dominant race on their homeworld. Seldom accomplishing anything for themselves, the Remoras simply make themselves useful to to others and then ride their coat-tails to victory. Although other races might chide them for a lack of drive, the Remoras simply wonder why they should give up a good thing.

as any player, optional, all phases


uses powers not in game - yellow

You have the power of Reincarnation. As a main player or ally, when you lose an encounter (or fail to deal), use this power to reincarnate., Draw an alien power card at random from the unused pile and become that alien. If the alien has Game Setup text or is not allowed in the current game, draw again. If you lose a later encounter, discard that alien and draw a new one. This power stays with you while you use the others. Aliens with the power to copy your power may do so (copying both your Reincarnator power and whatever power you are reincarnated as), but if they lose an encounter while doing so they must reincarnate, losing their original power

Having conquered the fear of death, the Reincarnators rejoice with the passing of each of their kind. Feeling kinship with all life forms, they know that those who die will soon be born again in an endless cycle.

main player or ally only, mandatory, resolution


Gives away cards - yellow

You have the power of Giving. As a main player or ally, after alliances are formed, you may use this power to give one card from your hand to either main player (your opponent, if you are a main player). Your opponent immediately adds the card to his or her hand and may play it normally. If, after using this power, you do not have any encounter cards in your hand and you are a main player, you draw a new hand.

Rejecting a heavy-handed, dogmatic religious background, the cynical Philanthropists have learned to parody greed itself. Knowing that the Universe cannot bring itself to reject a gift, even when it is no present, the race has grown cunning in the art of self-serving charity.

main player or ally only, optional, alliance


Joins alliance at will - green

You have the power to Infest. Unless specifically prevented by another game effect (such as the Force Field artifact, when it is your turn to ally, you may use this power to ally (sending one to four ships, as usual) with one side in an encounter as if you had been invited, even when you were not.

Evolving late on their almost totally polluted world, the parasites had to depend on the already dominant life forms for survival. But, so rapidly did they succeed in infesting their home planets, they now need unsuspecting hosts to carry them throughout the far reaches of space.

not main player, optional, alliance


wins with negotiate cards - green

You have the power of Peace. As a main player, if you reveal a negotiate card and your opponent reveals an attack card, use this power to win the encounter. If you both reveal negotiate cards, you attempt to make a deal as usual.

A simple but ungainly race, the pacifists long ago learned how to turn the power of an opponent against him. Always ready to demonstrate the superiority of retreat in unbalancing an aggressor, the Pacifists now seek to bring the universe to its knees by yielding at just the right moment

main player only, mandatory, reveal


foresees opponent's cards - green

You have the power to Foresee. As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, use this power to force your opponent to play his or her encounter card faceup. Only after you have seen your opponent's card do you select and play your card.

During millennia of civilization, the ancient Oracles developed perceptiveness about the intentions of others to uncanny lengths. While reluctant to test the outer limits of their vision, they find even short-range prescience has given them the reputation of great wisdom.

Main player only, mandatory, planning


Allies do not go to warp - green

You have the power to Protect. As an ally, whenever you should lose ships to the warp, use this power to instead return them to any of your colonies and keep using them.
As a main player, when any of your allies should lose ships to the warp, use this power to instead allow your allies to return them to any of their colonies of their choice.

Seldom interfering in Cosmic affairs. the Observers have been around for millenia, simply watching the other alien races. With their advanced technology and strange abilities, the others were hesitant to draw them into their squabbles. Now, however, it seems that the Observes have decided that the time for action has come at last.

main player or ally only, mandatory, resolution


Maintains 8-card hand - green

You have the power to Regenerate. As a main player, before allies are invited, you may use this power if you have fewer than eight cards to refill your hand. To do this you draw cards one at a time, at random, from any player(s) or from the deck. Draw until you have a full hand of eight cards.

Evolving on a highly radioactive and unshielded moon, the protean Mutants quickly learned to augment their silicon-based heredity. Before long they began to control and accumulate key genetic codes from other life forms, stripping opponents of their most basic defenses in a Mutant drive to transform the Universe.

main player only, optional, alliance


demands colony or loss of cards - yellow

You have the power to bluster. As the offense, before allies are invited, if the defense has more than three cards in hand, use this power to bluster. The defense must either discard down to three cards at random or let you establish a colony on the targeted world. If the defense gives you a colony, land any ships you have in the hyperspace gate on the targeted planet. They coexist with the defense's ships, which do not go to the warp, and the encounter immediately ends successfully. If the defense discards down to three cards at random, the encounter continues normally.

Long stigmatized by others as being pests, these swarms of microscopic Mites have learned to use their omnipresence to advance their collective dream of being accepted and respected int he Cosmic community.

Offense only, mandatory, launch


Gets second hand - green

Game Setup: You are dealt two separate eight-card hands. Look at them and choose one to be your "hoard". Place it facedown on this sheet.
You have the power to Hoard. Whenever you wish to play a card, you may use this power to play a card from your hoard instead of your normal hand. You may not add cards you gain to your hoard, and other players may not look at or draw cards from your hoard. If there are no encounter cards left in your hoard, you may reveal it, then discard it and get a new eight-card hoard.

Barely eking out a living on their shriveled moon, the Misers for generations secreted away their small annual surplus. But as the hoard grew, so did their greed, until now they prepare to risk their holdings for greater Cosmic booty.

as any player, optional, all phases


swaps digits on attack cards - yellow

 You have the power of Reversal. As a main player, after encounter cards are selected but before they are revealed, you may use this power to call for a reversal. This changes the value of any attack cards that are revealed in this encounter by reversing their digits. For example, this would make an attack 15 into a 51, a 20 into an 02, and an 08 into an 80. Resolve the encounter using these reversed values.

Springing from a world with such a high surface silver content that everything reflected off everything else, the Mirrors adapted to the difficulty of separating mirror images from reality. They also developed an inner symmetry that confounds their opponents across the Cosmos.

Main player only, optional, planning


sees other player's hands - yellow

You have the power of Knowledge. Before allies are invited in an encounter, you may use this power to look at the entire hand of one of the main players. If you are a main player, you may look at your opponent's hand. You may not tell any other players what cards you see in a player's hand using this power.

Springing forth on a triple star system subject to constant energy fluxes, the Mind thrives on shifting wave pulses, ultraviolet rays, and gamma-release explosions. Extreme sensitivity to potentialities has enabled it to view with wisdom (and some skepticism) the threats of its Cosmic competitors.

as any player, optional, alliance


tries to lose own ships - red

You have the power to Hurt Yourself. At the start of any player's regroup phase, before the offense retrieves a ship from the warp, use this power to win the game if you have lost all of your ships. Lost ships include those in the warp, those removed from the game, and those captured by other players.
You do not lose this power because of having too few home colonies, and you may still win the game via the normal manner.

The Masochists suffer from a neurological disorder where they derive pleasure from self-flagellation. However, some are beginning to wonder if it's really a religious ritual to bring forth their dominance in the universe.

as any player, mandatory, regroup


each ship is worth 4 - green

You have the power of Mass. When you are the offense, use this power before launching ships in an encounter. When you are an ally, use this power after allies are invited. If you are the offense or an ally, you may only send one ship into the encounter.
As a main player or an ally, use this power after encounter cards are revealed. Each of your ships adds 4 to your side's total in the encounter instead of 1.
When collecting compensation or rewards, each of your ships is worth two ships.

Beginning life on a gargantuan planet, the Macrons accustomed themselves to tremendous atmospheric and gravitational forces. Power comes so naturally to them that they scoff at the fragile intelligences they crush on their way to universal dominance.

Main player or ally only, mandatory, launch, alliance, reveal


can continue turn - red

You have the power of Continuity. Your turn is not limited to two encounters. After completing an encounter (whether successful or not), you may use this power to have another encounter as long as you have at least one encounter card left in your hand.

A race long lost to antiquity had the foresight to construct a mammoth Machine in the core of their planet. Pouring all their knowledge and ambition into its memory banks, they programmed it with this mandate: "Top priority...expand control, never cease...eliminate opposition, never cease...achieve mastery, never cease..."

offense only, optional, resolution


winner loses and loser wins - green

You have the power of Upset. As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may use this power to declare an upset. Once an upset has been declared, both main players must play attack cards, if possible. Then, after cards are revealed, the winning side loses and the losing side wins. This occurs after all other game effects are resolved (such as Human's power being zapped).

The enigmatic Losers have proven to be quite cunning in battle. Strengths become weaknesses and weaknesses become strengths as the glassy-eyed Loser shows his opponents that nice guys finish first.

main player only, optional, planning


Sacrifices ships for cards - yellow

You have the power of Sacrifice. As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may use this power to send up to four of your ships from any of your colonies to the warp. For every ship you sent to the warp, draw two cards from the deck. If this power is zapped, you do not lose the sacrificed ships to the warp.

Always a close-knit society, the Kamikaze have taken the virtue of self-sacrifice and raised it to an artform. In battle, they are greatly feared for their ability to die explosively at will. But the Kamikaze know that when their race rises to Cosmic superiority, those who gave their lives along the way will be remembered forever.

main player only, optional, planning


mostly harmless - yellow

You have the power of Humanity. As a main player or ally, after encounter cards are revealed, use this power to add 4 to your side's total. If this power is zapped, however, your side automatically wins the encounter.

Warlike and fairly dim by Cosmic standards, humans are not seen as much of a threat. However, exposing a human to Cosmic energy can unlock strange and awesome powers. General consensus among the other races is that this is a course of action that is to be avoided.

main player or ally only, mandatory, reveal


can save other's ships from warp - yellow

You have the power to Heal. When another player loses ships to the warp or has ships removed from the game, you may use this power to return to that player all the ships he or she just lost and earn one card from the deck. Being healed does not prevent a player from receiving compensation. A healed player replaces his or her ships on any of his or her colonies. During an encounter you may heal several players, drawing one card for each.

Rapid geological activity forced extreme biological diversification on the Healer home world. Possessing vast knowledge of herbal and mutant lore, Healers are now prized by other beings for their life sustaining skills. Amidst loud rejoicing over renewed health, who could deny them their modest fee?

as any player, optional, all phases


Opponents lose cards or ships - yellow

You have the power of Rage. At the start of your turn, use this power to force every player to either discard a card or lose ships. First, choose and discard a card from your hand. Every other player must then choose to either discard a card of the same type (attack, negotiate, artifact, etc.) or lose three ships of your choice to the warp. If you discard an attack card, your opponents must discard an attack card of equal or higher value. If an opponent has no cards of the discarded type, he or she must lose ships instead. If, after using this power, you do not have any encounter cards in your hand, draw a new hand.

A short, physically unimposing race, the Hate evolved in a crowded part of the Cosmos and were pushed aside by other, more powerful, races. Forced to subsist on food scraps and the leavings of the other species, the Hate swore that one day they would be the ultimate power on the Cosmic scene.

offense only, mandatory, start turn


chooses compensation - green

You have the power to Hack. As a main player, when collecting compensation, you may use this power to choose the player that you are collecting compensation from, whether that player was your opponent or not. You then look through that player’s hand and choose the cards you want for compensation.
In addition, when your opponent collects compensation from you, you may use this power to select the cards he or she gets.

Masters of technology, the Hackers have embedded various devices into their bodies in an attempt to improve their skills at computer fraud. Although geniuses when it comes to code breaking and decrypting data, Hackers aren’t much good in a more conventional battle. However, more than one would-be conqueror has learned to their sorrow that the Hackers have extremely nasty ways of getting their revenge.

main player only, optional, resolution


Penalizes for refusing to ally - red

You have the power of Revenge. As a main player, after alliances are formed, use this power to give a grudge token to each player you invited to ally, but who did not do so. If you win the encounter (or make a deal), each player with a grudge token discards it and loses one ship of his choice to the warp. If you lose the encounter (or fail to make a deal), each player with a grudge token discards it and loses four ships of his choice to the warp. Lost ships cannot include ships used to ally with the other side.

Suffering from a species history of almost uninterrupted betrayal and disappointment, the originally kind Grudges gradually grew cynical. Expecting no good will from others, they began to brood and resolved to wreak vengeance on all who would turn aside their outstretched suction disc of friendship.

main player only, mandatory, alliance


Bluffs about cards - red

You have the power to Bluff. After your opponent reveals his or her encounter card, you may use this power to keep yours facedown, instead stating what it is (and lying if you like). If your opponent does not challenge your claim, conclude the encounter as if your statement were true, then place your encounter card facedown on the bottom of the deck instead of discarding it. If your opponent challenges your claim, reveal your card. If you lied, you lose as many ships to the warp as you had in the encounter. If you told the truth, your opponent loses as many ships as he or she had in the encounter. These lost ships may not be ships involved in the encounter. Afterwards, conclude the encounter normally using the revealed cards.

Do not use with sorcerer

Arising in an era of geological turmoil, the Gamblers trusted only their own audacity. The faint of heart soon perished, but the most daring rose to even greater effronteries and now launch a contest for Cosmic stakes.

main player only, optional, reveal


Plays additional low cards - yellow

You have the power to Overwhelm. As a main player, you may use this power after both you and your opponent reveal attack cards in an encounter. You may discard any or all attack cards in your hand that are both higher than the attack card you played and lower than the attack card played by your opponent, adding their value to your total.

Always regarded as an inferior, scavenging race, the Fodder have amassed a multitude of generally less-effective arms. With the astonishingly large cache of second-rate weapons, the Fodder can afford to overwhelm their adversaries.

main player only, optional, reveal


takes opponent's used cards - green

You have the power of Theft. As a main player, after encounter cards are discarded at the end of an encounter, you may use this power to retrieve your opponent's card from the discard pile and add it to your hand.

Within their genteel, sophisticated tribes, the Filches have refined the art of acquisition to a high aesthetic. The most judicious and subtle thefts are memorialized in legend and song. Lately they have taken to eying the depths of space and thoughtfully rippling their tentacles.

main player only, optional, resolution


retrieves discarded cards - yellow

You have the power to Fetch. After encounter cards are discarded at the end of an encounter, you may use this power to retrieve one of the discarded cards and offer it to another player. If the card is refused, you may keep it. If the card is accepted, the other player keeps the card, then you may either retrieve one ship from the warp or draw one card from the deck.

Trained for generations by a strict, but unknown alien race, the Fidos were bred for retrieval. Slinking out on their own, they cannot help but fetch the debris of outer space for whomever happens by, knowing they will still be rewarded in some way.

as any player, optional, resolution


controls destiny deck - red

You have the power to Command. When you are not the offense, before destiny is chosen, use this power to take the destiny deck, look through it, and choose any card from it. That destiny card is played as though the offense had drawn it. On your turn, or any time you are zapped, the remaining destiny cards are shuffled, and one is dealt randomly.

Grotesque creatures rejected by an old and cultured world, the Dictators pushed and clawed their way to planetary dominion. Relentless in their demands, they turn friend against friend to do their bidding. Recently they have begun to tire of toying with the weak races at home and seek to control the entire Universe.

not offense, mandatory, destiny


possesses other's hands - yellow

You have the power to Possess. As a main player, before allies are invited, you may use this power to take possession of the hand of any other player except your opponent. Place those cards facedown on this sheet. They are not part of your hand, but you may use cards from here as though they were in your hand. If a card played from this sheet would return to your hand after use, return it to its previous owner instead. At the end of the encounter, return any cards remaining on this sheet to their previous owner.

Hailing from deep within the core of a molten planet, a race of Demons was exiled from their original galaxy for unprincipled opportunism. Knowing their mere presence saps others' will to win, they now seek Cosmic vengeance.

main player only, optional, alliance


 opponent loses more ships - green

You have the power to Smash. As a main player, when you win an encounter in which you revealed an attack card, use this power to force your opponent to lose extra ships of his or her choice equal to the number of ships you had in the encounter, in addition to any ships he or she would normally lose.

The customary greeting among Cudgels is a hearty handshake and a solid blow to the head. This long-standing tradition - often fatal - is frequently misunderstood by weaker races, much to the amusement of the Cudgels. Now, having flattened all of their closest friends, the gregarious Cudgels look skyward, leaving the debris of their broken planet behind. With fists raised in friendship, they seek out new beings to meet, greet, and smash, and will not stop until the Cosmos itself is shattered.

main player only, mandatory, resolution


Keeps own encounter card - green

You have the power to Replicate. As a main player, after the encounter is resolved (and after any compensation is claimed), you may use this power to return your encounter card to your hand instead of discarding it.

A prolific species on a slowly cooling globe, the Clones traditionally selected the best of their race to represent them in territorial struggles. But as the gene pool thinned, one clan developed techniques to artificially duplicate their champion before battle. Thus, always rejuvenated, they came to dominate their world during the geologic crisis and emerged from it anxious to carry their new knowledge into a Cosmic competition.

main player only, optional, resolution


builds citadels on planets - red

You have the power of Fortification. During each player’s turn, after destiny is drawn, you may play an attack card from your hand faceup next to any planet in any system as a citadel.
If a planet with one or more citadels is attacked, after encounter cards are selected, but before they are revealed, you may use this power to activate all citadels on the planet. If so, add their combined value to the defense’s total for the encounter. If you activate your citadels on a planet and the defense loses the encounter, discard the citadels. If the defense wins or you do not activate the citadels, they stay in place.

Brilliant architects who obsessively build vast fortresses as they travel throughout the Cosmos, the Citadels are often welcomed with open arms by the other races, who are delighted to benefit from the Universe’s best defenses. Of course, what the Citadels don’t tell them is that these fortifications only work when the Citadels want them to do so.

As any player, optional, planning


takes new encounter card - green

You have the power of Divine Intervention. As a main player, after revealing encounter cards, you may use this power to pray for divine intervention once per encounter. To do so, draw three cards from the deck. If none are encounter cards, discard them, and there is no further effect. If you draw any encounter cards, you may choose one of the drawn encounter cards to replace your revealed encounter card (which is then discarded). If you have revealed an attack card and choose another attack card for divine intervention, the new card may either replace or add its value to the value of your revealed attack card, your choice. All other cards drawn for divine intervention are then discarded, and the encounter is resolved with the new card or card value.

A deeply spiritual and philosophical race, the Chosen have become attuned to a higher force in the Cosmos that they call upon in times of need. Sometimes this omniscient power harms rather than helps.

main player only, optional, reveal


reduces higher attack card - yellow

You have the power to Equalize. As a main player, after cards are selected but before they are revealed, you may use this power to declare an "equalize". If you do so and both cards are revealed to be attack cards, the value of the higher card is reduced by the value of the lower card. Thus if an attack 15 and an attack 8 are played, the 15 has its value reduced to 7, but the 8 keeps its value 8. The encounter is then concluded normally.

Defenseless on a jungle world, the order of Calculators grew adroit at ensnaring their powerful but bungling competitors. Now adept at turning strength back against itself, they study the prospects of galactic empire, trusting that other grosser beings will not also grow calculating.

main player only, optional, planning


Destroys opponent's hand - green

You have the power to Loot and Pillage. As the offense, after you win an encounter but before compensation (if any) is collected, use this power to loot your opponent's cards. Take your opponent's hand and look at it. For each ship you have in the encounter, you may choose one card from your opponent's hand and add it to your own. Afterward, discard the remainder of your opponent's hand.

A savage race from a harsh solar system, the Barbarians roared out into the Cosmos as soon as they discovered space flight. They have crushed many civilizations before them, carelessly tossing aside priceless cultural treasures in their endless quest of glory, battle, and the lamentations of their enemies.

offense only, mandatory, resolution


Lower total wins - yellow

You have the power of Negation. As a main player, after both you and your opponent reveal attack cards, use this power to make the lower total win. Furthermore, when this power is used, your ships as well as any offensive and defensive allies' ships are subtracted from the appropriate side's card. Your opponent's total is otherwise figured normally, however.

Spewed forth from a white hole, the worlds of the Anti-Matter careen through space negating whatever they encounter. Opposed to the very existence of gross matter, the Anti-Matter is dedicated to reducing all opposition to less than nothing.

main player only, mandatory, reveal


unlimited ship movement - yellow

You have the power to Ooze. As a main player, after encounter cards are selected, but before they are revealed, if you have at least one ship in the encounter, you may use this power to increase or decrease the number of ships you have in the encounter. You may remove some or all of your ships to your colonies, or you may add as many ships as you want (even exceeding the normal maximum of four) from any of your colonies. If you win the encounter but have no ships left in it, you cannot receive a colony.

Spawned on a totally liquid world, Amoebas are highly conscious of vibrations. Quick to withdraw from danger, they are equally able to ooze menacingly into combat when confronted with the proper turbulences. Amoebas pity those who are less able to respond to circumstance and will be sensitive Cosmic masters.

main player only, optional, planning