Dominion: Intrigue
Dominion: Intrigue
Rio Grande Games
Donald X. Vaccarino
Something's afoot. The steward smiles at you like he has a secret, or like he thinks you have a secret, or like you think he thinks you have a secret. There are secret plots brewing, you're sure of it. At the very least, there are yours. A passing servant murmurs, "The eggs are on the plate." You frantically search your codebook for the translation before realizing he means that breakfast is ready. Excellent.
Everything is going according to plan.
Intrigue adds 25 new Kingdom cards to Dominion. There are victory cards that do some new things for you, underlings that give you a choice as to what they do, and a variety of other people and places. These cards can be played with the cards from the basic game or on their own. The rules include how to play a game with up to 6 players. By combining the money and victory cards with those in the basic game, players will have sufficient cards to play with more than 4 players.
This is a game of building a Deck. The Deck represents your Dominion. It contains your resources, victory points, and the things you can do. It starts out a small sad collection of Estates and Coppers, but you hope that by the end of the game it will be brimming with Gold, Provinces, and the inhabitants and structures of your castle and kingdom. We recommend that new players begin with the basic game.
The player with the most victory points in his Deck at game end wins.
Randomly determine the starting player. When playing multiple games, the starting player is the player to the left of the winner of the last game. If there was a tie in the previous game, randomly choose the starting player from the players that didn’t win.
Each player takes 7 Copper cards and 3 Estate cards, shuffles his 10 cards, and places them face-down in his player area (the area before him on the table) to form his Deck. Each player draws 5 cards from his Deck as his starting hand.
Players will not use all of the cards in every game. Other than the players’ starting Decks, the other cards used in a game of Dominion are called the Supply. These cards are all placed face-up in the middle of the table where all players can reach them. The randomizer card (the card with a different back) can be placed face-down at the bottom of each pile in order to help identify when the pile is empty, or when a pile becomes empty, an unused card can be placed face-down in the space to remind players that a pile of cards from the Supply is depleted. The Trash pile card is also placed near the Supply.
The card types (Action, Treasure, Victory, Curse, Reaction, and Attack) for each card are listed at the bottom of the card. If a card lists more than one card type, then for all purposes it counts as both types. For example, Great Hall is both an Action card and a Victory card at all times.
Copper, Silver, and Gold cards are the basic Treasure cards, and they are available in every game. After each player takes 7 Copper cards, place the remaining Copper cards and all of the Silver and Gold cards in face-up piles in the Supply. The Treasure cards from Dominion and Dominion: Intrigue can be combined, since these cards are intended to be in abundant enough supply to not run out. (If a type of Treasure card does run out, that becomes an empty pile in the Supply, which can be important for game ending conditions.)
Estate, Duchy, and Province cards are the basic Victory cards, and they are available in every game. In a 3 or 4 player game, place 12 Estate cards, 12 Duchy cards, and 12 Province cards in face-up piles in the Supply. In a 2 player game, place only 8 of each Victory card in the Supply. As in the basic game, the Victory cards are scaled based on the number of players and unused Victory cards are returned to the box.
The Curse cards are also available in every game. Place 10 Curse cards in the Supply for a 2 player game, 20 Curse cards for 3 players, and 30 Curse cards for 4 players. As in the basic game, the Curse cards are scaled based on the number of players and any unused Curse cards are returned to the box. Curse cards will most often be distributed to your opponents when you play specific Action cards (like Torturer). If you buy a Curse card, it goes in your own discard pile, like any other gained card.
Now that the basic Victory cards (Estates, Duchies, and Provinces), basic Treasure cards (Copper, Silver, Gold), and Curse cards are on the table, the players select 10 Kingdom cards and place 10 of each in face-up piles on the table (exception: Kingdom Victory cards are scaled to the number of players - 12 of each for a 3- or 4-player game or 8 for a 2-player game).
Players may choose the 10 Kingdom cards in any way that the players agree on. For example, you can use the Randomizer cards (one of each card with a different back) to randomly select 10 Kingdom cards from Dominion: Intrigue to play with. You can combine the Randomizer cards from the expansion together with those from the base game to choose 10 random Kingdom cards. Another option is to randomly choose 5 Kingdom cards from the basic set and 5 Kingdom cards from the expansion to play with. Finally, there are some recommended sets of 10 Kingdom cards at the end of the rules that highlight specific strategies and showcase some of the possibilities with the new cards. Any Kingdom cards not chosen for the game are set aside, as they will not be used in the game.
Playing the Game
There are three phases (a, b, and c) to each turn, taken in the order shown:
A player completes all three phases, and then play passes clockwise to the next player.
In the Action phase, the player may play one Action card. Action cards are the Kingdom cards that say “Action” at the bottom of the card. Action cards allow players to do extra things during their turns. Some Action cards give players extra actions, some give extra money to spend in the Buy phase, and so on. Since players do not start the game with any Action cards in their initial Decks of 10 cards, a player will not have any Actions to play during his first 2 turns. Normally, a player may play only one Action card, but this number may be modified by the Action cards that the player plays.
To play an Action, the player takes an Action card from his hand and lays it face-up in his play area. He announces which card he is playing and follows the instructions written on that card from top to bottom. The player may play an Action card even if he is not able to do everything the Action card tells him to do; but the player must do as much as he can. Detailed information about cards is in the card descriptions at the end of these rules. Any Action cards played remain in the player’s play area until the Cleanup phase of the turn unless otherwise indicated on the card. Players should not discard the cards prior to the Clean-up phase, unless directed to by the card or another action.
Here are some of the common terms used on the Action cards:
"+X Action(s)" – the player may play X number of additional Actions this turn. +X Action(s) adds to the number of Actions that can be played in the Action phase—it does not mean play another Action immediately. The instructions on the current Action card must be completed before playing any additional Actions. The player must complete all of his Actions before he moves on to the Buy phase of his turn. If a card gives the player more than one additional Action, it is helpful to keep track of the number of Actions he has remaining out loud.
"+X Card(s)" – the player immediately draws X number of cards from his Deck. If there are not enough cards in his Deck, he draws as many as he can, shuffles the Discard pile to form a new Deck, and then draws the rest. If he still does not have enough cards left after forming a new Deck, he just draws as many as he can.
"+ X " – the player has X number of additional coins to spend in the Buy phase. The player does not take additional Treasure cards for these coins.
"+1 Buy" – the player may buy an additional card from the Supply during the Buy phase of his turn. +1 Buy adds to your potential Buys, it does not mean to immediately buy a card during the Action phase.
"Discard" – unless otherwise specified, discarded cards come from the player’s hand. When a player discards a card, he places the discarded card face-up onto his Discard pile. When discarding multiple cards at once, the player need not show the cards that he is discarding to his opponents. The player may need to show how many cards he is discarding (for example, when playing Secret Chamber). The top card of a player’s Discard pile will always be visible.
"Trash” – when a player trashes a card, he places it in the Trash pile, not his Discard pile. Trashed cards are not returned to the Supply and are not available for purchase.
"Gain” – when a player gains a card, he takes the gained card (usually from the Supply) and puts it in his Discard pile (unless the card says specifically to put it elsewhere). The player does not get to use the ability of the card when he gains it.
“Reveal” – when a player reveals a card, he shows a card to all players and then returns it to wherever it came from (unless instructed specifically to put it elsewhere). If the player is required to reveal cards from the top of his Deck, and he does not have enough cards, he shuffles in order to reveal the required number of cards.
“Set Aside” – when a player sets aside a card, he places it face-up on the table (unless otherwise indicated) without following any instructions on the card. An Action that requires a player to set aside cards will instruct him on what to do with these cards.
There is one new term introduced in Intrigue:
“Pass” – when a player passes a card to another player, he places that card face down on the table between himself and the other player. The receiving player then takes the card from the table and puts it in his hand. A passed card is not revealed to the other players. A passed card is not considered to be trashed or discarded by the player passing it and it is not considered to be gained by the player receiving it.
The Action phase ends when the player cannot or chooses not to play any more Action cards. Generally, a player can only play Action cards during the Action phase of his turn. However, Reaction cards are an exception to this rule as they can be used at other times.
In the Buy phase, the player can gain one card from the Supply by paying its cost. Any card that is in the Supply may be purchased (Treasure cards, Victory cards, Kingdom cards, and even Curse cards). The player may not purchase cards from the Trash pile. Normally, a player may buy only one card, but this number may be modified by cards the player has played earlier in his Action phase.
The cost of a card is in the lower left corner. The player may play some or all of the Treasure cards from his hand to his play area on the table and add to their value the coins provided by Action cards played this turn. The player may then gain any card in the Supply of equal or lesser value. He takes the purchased card from its Supply pile and places it face-up onto his Discard pile. He may not use the ability of the card when it is gained. If the player has multiple Buys, he combines Treasure cards and any coins available from Action cards to pay for all of the purchases. For example, if Tyler has +1 Buy and 6 coins provided by two Gold cards, he can buy a Courtyard costing 2 and put it face-up in his Discard pile. Then Tyler can buy an Ironworks with the remaining 4 coins and place that face-up in his Discard pile, as well. If Tyler had chosen to use all 6 coins to buy one card, he could still buy a Copper (for free) with his second buy or choose not to buy a second card. Players do not have to use all or any of their buys. The Treasure cards remain in the play area until the Clean-up phase. Players will use the Treasure cards multiple times during the game. They are discarded during the Clean-up phase, but the player will draw them again after his Discard pile is shuffled into a new Deck. Thus, Treasure cards can be viewed as a source of income, not a resource that is used up. When played, Coppers are worth 1 coin, Silvers, 2 coins, and Golds, 3 coins.
All cards gained this turn should already be in the player’s Discard pile. The player places any cards that are in his play area (Action and Treasure cards that were played in the Action and Buy phases) and any cards remaining in his hand onto his Discard pile. The player need not show the cards remaining in his hand to his opponents. Since he places the cards in the Discard pile face-up, his opponents will always be able to see the top-most card of his Discard pile.
Then, the player draws a new hand of 5 cards from his Deck. If there are not enough cards in his Deck, he draws as many as he can, shuffles his Discard pile to form a new face-down Deck, and then draws the rest of his new hand. Once the player has drawn a new hand of 5 cards, the next player may start his turn. Experienced players will find that the next player can begin his turn while the previous player is completing the Clean-up phase. If, however, someone plays an Attack card, each player must complete the Clean-up phase of his previous turn in order to properly resolve the Attack.
Tracy looks at her hand of 5 cards. She has a Mining Village, a Pawn, a Silver, and 2 Estates in her hand. During her Action phase, she plays the Mining Village to her play area and immediately draws another card.
She draws a Courtyard and puts that card into her hand. The Mining Village also adds two additional available Actions to her Action phase, but she cannot play any more Actions until she finishes resolving the Mining Village. Tracy chooses not to trash the Mining Village for the additional 2 coins (and she realizes she cannot change her mind about this later during her Buy phase).
With the Mining Village resolved, Tracy uses one of the additional actions from the Mining Village to play the Courtyard and immediately draws 3 more cards. She only has 2 cards left in her Deck, so she draws both of these. Then, she must shuffle her face-up Discard pile and form a new face-down Deck in order to draw her 3rd card. Tracy has drawn a Silver and 2 Copper cards. She chooses one of the Estates from her hand and places it back on top of the Deck (as required by the Courtyard).
The Courtyard is now resolved, so Tracy can play another Action (provided by the Mining Village). Tracy plays a Pawn. She chooses +1 Coin and +1 Buy. Tracy is now out of Actions.
For her Buy phase, she plays the 2 Silver cards and the 3 Copper cards to her play area. Combined with the +1 Buy and +1 Coin, Tracy has 8 coins to spend, and she has 2 Buys. Tracy buys a Great Hall for 3 coins and places it face-up on her Discard pile. With 4 of her remaining coins, she buys a Scout and places it face-up on her Discard pile.
Finally, during the Clean-up phase, Tracy discards the Mining Village, the Courtyard, the Pawn, and the Treasure cards that were in her play area. She also discards the other Estate remaining in her hand. Tracy then draws 5 cards from her Deck into her hand to end her turn.
Game End
The game ends at the end of any player’s turn when one of two conditions is met: the Supply pile of Province cards is empty OR any 3 Supply piles are empty. Each player counts up his victory points on the cards in his entire Deck (which includes his hand and his Discard pile).
The player with the most victory points wins. If the highest scores are tied at the end of the game, the tied player who has had the fewest turns wins the game. If the tied players have had the same number of turns, they rejoice in their shared victory.
Additional Rules
player is allowed to count how many cards are left in his Deck, but not in his Discard pile. A player may not look through his Deck or his Discard pile. A player may look through the Trash pile, and players may count the number of cards left in any pile in the Supply.
If an ability of a card affects multiple players, and the order matters, resolve that ability for each affected player in turn order, starting with the player whose turn it is. At any point in the game, if a player has to draw or reveal more cards than are remaining in his Deck, he must draw or reveal as many as he can and then shuffle his face-up Discard pile to form a new face-down Deck. Then, he draws or reveals the remaining number of cards from his newly shuffled Deck. If a player’s Deck is empty, he does not shuffle his Discard pile until he needs to reveal or draw a card from his Deck and cannot.
Additional Rules for Intrigue
Some cards in this expansion give a player a choice between two or more options (such as Minion, Nobles, Pawn, Steward, Torturer). The player may pick any choice offered, even if he cannot do what it tells him to do, but once he makes a choice, he must complete as much of it as he can. Specific examples of this rule are given in the descriptions for cards later in the rules.
Some cards allow you to choose to generate coins for the turn. When several choice cards are played in one turn and some of them generate coins, you may want to indicate this somehow in order to remember how many additional coins you have to spend during the Buy phase. For example, you can push the cards that made money up slightly from the line of cards you play.
Some cards in this expansion are both Victory cards and another type as well (Great Hall, Harem, Nobles). These cards are both types for all purposes. Great Hall and Nobles can be played like normal Actions; Harem can be spent like a normal Treasure. At the end of the game, all three contribute to your score. When a card refers to a type of card, it means any card having that type; so, for example, Adventurer will find Harems as well as other Treasure cards; Mine can be used to trade in Silver for a Harem.
Intrigue introduces a second Reaction card, Secret Chamber. Players may reveal multiple Reaction cards in response to a single event. Each Reaction card is revealed and resolved before another Reaction card is revealed. The second Reaction card can be one that was not initially in hand when the first Reaction card was played. For example, a player could reveal Secret Chamber in response to an Attack card and draw a Moat. After the player has completely resolved the Secret Chamber, he can still reveal the Moat in response to the Attack card.
Rules for playing with more than 4 players
If you own both Dominion and Dominion: Intrigue, you can play with more than 4 players. Our recommendation is to use both sets of Treasure, Victory, and Curse cards in order to play 2 separate games (for example, 7 players can play one 3-player game and one 4-player game). Each group can select their own 10 Kingdom cards from both sets to play with.
The following are rules for a single game accommodating 5 or 6 players. Please note that there will be increased downtime with 5 or 6 players, so this is not recommended for new players.
To set up for 5 or 6 players, combine the Treasure cards from Dominion and Dominion: Intrigue. Use 15 Provinces in the Supply for a 5-player game and 18 Provinces in the Supply for a 6-player game. All other Victory card piles (Estates, Duchies, and Victory Kingdom cards) remain at 12 cards per pile. Use 40 Curse cards for a 5-player game and 50 Curse cards for a 6-player game.
In a 5 or 6 player game, the game ends at the end of any player’s turn when one of two conditions is met: the Supply pile of Province cards is empty OR any 4 Supply piles are empty.
Kingdom Card Description
Baron - You are never obligated to discard an Estate, even if you have one in your hand. However, if you do not discard an Estate, you must gain an Estate (if there are any left); you cannot choose to just get +1 Buy from this card.
Bridge - Costs are 1 coin lower for all purposes. For example, if you played Village, then Bridge, then Workshop, you could use Workshop to gain a Duchy (because Duchy now costs 4 coins due to the Bridge). Then if you played 3 coins, you could buy a Silver (for 2 coins) and an Estate (for 1 coin). Cards in players' decks are also affected. The effect is cumulative; if you Throne Room a Bridge, all cards will cost 2 coins less this turn. Costs never go below 0 coins. For this reason, if you play Bridge and then play Upgrade, you could trash a Copper (which still costs zero, even though you played Bridge) and gain a Pawn (which costs 1 after Bridge is played).
Conspirator – You evaluate whether or not Conspirator gives you +1 Card and +1 Action when you play it. If later in the turn you play more Action cards, you do not go back and reevaluate a Conspirator played earlier. For the purposes of counting actions, if you Throne Room an Action, that's one Action for the Throne Room, one for the selected Action played the first time, and one for the selected Action played the second time. For example, if you play Throne Room on Conspirator, the first Conspirator will be your second Action, and won't give you +1 Card or +1 Action, but the second Conspirator will be your third Action, and you will get +1 Card and +1 Action for that second Conspirator. Action - Victory cards are Actions.
Coppersmith - This just changes how much money you get when playing Copper. The effect is cumulative; if you use Throne Room on Coppersmith, each Copper that you play that turn will produce 3 coins.
Courtyard - You draw cards and add them to your hand before putting one back. The card you put on top of your deck can be any card in your new hand and doesn't have to be one of the 3 you just drew.
Duke - This does nothing until the end of the game, at which time it's worth 1 VP per Duchy you have. This counts all of your cards - your Discard pile and hand are part of your Deck at that point. During set-up, place 12 Dukes in the Supply for a 3- or 4- player game and 8 in the Supply for a 2-player game.
Great Hall - This is both an Action card and a Victory card. When you play it, you draw a card and may play another Action. At the end of the game, it's worth 1 VP, like an Estate. During set-up, place 12 Great Halls in the Supply for a 3- or 4-player game and 8 in the Supply for a 2-player game.
Harem - This is both a Treasure card and a Victory card. You can play it for 2 coins, just like a Silver card. At the end of the game, it's worth 2 VP. During set-up, place 12 Harems in the Supply for a 3- or 4-player game and 8 in the Supply for a 2-player game.
Ironworks - The card you gain must be from the Supply and is put into your discard pile. You get a bonus depending on what type of card you gained. A card with 2 types gives you both bonuses; if you use Ironworks to gain a Great Hall, you will then draw a card (because Great Hall is a Victory card) and may play another Action (because Great Hall is an Action card). Costs of cards are affected by Bridge.
Masquerade - First you draw 2 cards. Next, each player (all at the same time) chooses a card from his hand and places it face down on the table between him and the player to his left. The player to the left then puts that card into his hand. Cards are passed simultaneously, so you may not look at the card you are receiving until you have chosen a card to pass. Finally, you may trash a card from your hand. Only the player who played Masquerade may trash a card. This is not an Attack and cannot be responded to with Moat or Secret Chamber.
Mining Village - You must decide whether to trash Mining Village or not before moving on to other actions or other phases. You get a card and +2 Actions, whether you choose to trash it or not. If you trash it you also get +2 Coins. If you Throne Room a Mining Village, you cannot trash Mining Village twice. You will get +1 Card, +2 Actions, and +2 Coins the first time you play it and trash it and when you play it the second time with the Throne Room you get +1 Card and +2 Actions but cannot trash it again.
Minion - You get +1 Action whichever option you choose. The options are +2 coins, or everything after that - discarding, drawing 4 cards, and other players discarding and drawing. A player who Moats this neither discards nor draws. Other players are only affected by this if they have 5 or more cards in hand. Other players can use Secret Chamber when you play Minion even if they do not have 5 or more cards in hand.
Nobles - This is both an Action card and a Victory card. When you play it, you choose either to draw 3 cards or to get 2 more Actions to use; you cannot mix and match. At the end of the game, this is worth 2 VP. During set-up, place 12 Nobles in the Supply for a 3- or 4-player game and 8 in the Supply for a 2-player game.
Pawn - First pick any 2 of the 4 options. You cannot pick the same option twice. After picking both, do both, in either order. You may not choose to draw a card, look at the card drawn, and then make your second choice.
Saboteur - Each other player turns over the top cards of his deck until he reveals one costing 3 coins or more. If a player needs to shuffle to continue revealing cards, he does not shuffle in the already revealed cards. If he goes through all of his cards without finding a card costing 3 coins or more, he just discards everything revealed and is done. If he does find a card costing 3 coins or more, he trashes it, and then may choose to gain a card costing at most 2 coins less than the trashed card. For example, if he trashed a card costing 5 coins, he may gain a card costing up to 3 coins. The gained card must be from the Supply and is put into his discard pile, as are his revealed cards. Costs of cards are affected by Bridge.
Scout - If there are fewer than 4 cards left in your deck, reveal all the cards in your deck, shuffle your discard pile (which does not include currently revealed cards), and then reveal the remainder needed. Action - Victory cards are Victory cards. Curse cards are not Victory cards. Take all revealed Victory cards into your hand; you cannot choose to leave some on top. You do not have to reveal the order that you put cards back in.
Secret Chamber - When you play this as an Action on your turn, you first discard any number of cards from your hand, then get 1 coin per card you discarded. You may choose to discard zero cards, but then you will get zero additional coins. The other ability does nothing at that time as it is only used as a Reaction. When someone else plays an Attack card, you may reveal Secret Chamber from your hand. If you do, first you draw 2 cards, then you put any 2 cards from your hand on top of your deck (in any order). The cards you put back do not have to be the ones you drew. You can put Secret Chamber itself on top of your deck; it's still in your hand when you reveal it. Revealing Secret Chamber happens prior to resolving what an Attack does to you. For example, if another player plays Thief, you can reveal Secret Chamber, draw 2 cards, put 2 back, and then you resolve getting hit by the Thief. You can reveal Secret Chamber whenever another player plays an Attack card, even if that Attack would not affect you. Also, you can reveal more than one Reaction card in response to an Attack. For example, after revealing the Secret Chamber in response to an Attack and resolving the effect of the Secret Chamber, you can still reveal a Moat to avoid the Attack completely. Shanty Town - You get 2 more Actions to use no matter what else happens. Then you must reveal your hand. If you have no Action cards in hand, you draw 2 cards. If the first card you draw is an Action card, you still draw the second card. Action - Victory cards are Action cards.
Steward – If you choose to trash 2 cards and have 2 or more cards in your hand after playing the Steward, then you must trash exactly 2 cards. You may choose to trash 2 cards, even if you only have 1 card left in your hand after playing the Steward; just trash the remaining card in your hand. You cannot mix and match - you either draw 2 cards, get 2 coins, or trash 2 cards.
Swindler - A player with no cards left in his Deck shuffles first; a player who still has no cards does not trash a card or gain a card. If the order matters (such as when piles are running low), resolve Swindler in turn order starting with the player to your left. Gained cards go to discard piles. If a player trashes a 0-cost card such as Copper, you may choose to give him Curse (if there are any left). You can give a player another copy of the same card he trashed. The gained cards have to be ones from the Supply, and you have to pick a card that's left if you can (you cannot pick an empty pile). If there are no cards in the Supply with the same cost as a given player's trashed card, no card is gained by that player. A player who Moats this does not reveal a card from his deck, and so neither trashes a card nor gains a card.
Torturer - Each other player chooses which option to suffer and then suffers it. A player can choose to gain a Curse even when there are no Curses left, in which case he doesn't gain one; and a player can choose to discard 2 cards even if he has no cards in hand or one card in hand (if he has one card, he discards that single card). Gained Curses go to the players' hands rather than their discard piles. If there aren't enough Curses left for everybody, deal them around in turn order starting with the player to your left. When the order matters (such as with very few Curses left), each player makes his decision of which fate to suffer in turn order.
Trading Post - If you have 2 or more cards, you must trash exactly 2 cards and gain a Silver card. The gained Silver card goes into your hand and can be spent the same turn. If the Silver pile is empty, you do not gain a Silver card (but still trash cards if possible). If you only have one card left in your hand and you play Trading Post, you trash the one remaining card but you do not gain a Silver. If you have no cards left when you play this, nothing happens.
Tribute - If the player after you has fewer than 2 cards left in his deck, he reveals all the cards in his deck, shuffles his discard pile (which does not include currently revealed cards), and then reveals the remainder needed. The player then discards the revealed cards. If the player after you does not have enough cards to reveal 2, he reveals what he can. You get bonuses for the types of cards revealed, counting only the different cards. A card with 2 types gives you both bonuses. So if the player to your left reveals Copper and Harem, you get +4 coins and +2 cards; if he reveals 2 Silvers, you just get +2 coins. Curse produces no bonus.
Upgrade - Draw a card first. Then, you must trash a card from your hand and gain a card costing exactly 1 coin more than the trashed card. The gained card has to be a card in the Supply, and it goes into your discard pile. If there are no cards available for that cost, you do not get one (you still trashed a card though). If you do not have a card in your hand to trash, you neither trash nor gain a card. Card costs are affected by Bridge. Since Bridge affects the costs of the card you trash and the card you gain, in most cases the Bridge will have no net effect. But since cards cannot go below zero in cost, a Bridge played before an Upgrade would allow you to trash a Copper (cost of zero, even with the Bridge) and gain an Estate (cost of 1 as a result of the Bridge).
Wishing Well - First you draw your card. Then name a card ("Copper," for example - not "Treasure") and reveal the top card of your deck; if you named the same card you revealed, put the revealed card in your hand. If you do not name the right card, you put the revealed card back on top.
Recommended Sets of 10
Victory Dance: Bridge, Duke, Great Hall, Harem, Ironworks, Masquerade, Nobles, Pawn, Scout, Upgrade
Secret Schemes: Conspirator, Harem, Ironworks, Pawn, Saboteur, Shanty Town, Steward, Swindler, Trading Post, Tribute
Best Wishes: Coppersmith, Courtyard, Masquerade, Scout, Shanty Town, Steward, Torturer, Trading Post, Upgrade, Wishing Well
Deconstruction: Bridge, Mining Village, Remodel, Saboteur, Secret Chamber, Spy, Swindler, Thief, Throne Room, Torturer
Hand Madness: Bureaucrat, Chancellor, Council Room, Courtyard, Mine, Militia, Minion, Nobles, Steward, Torturer
Underlings: Baron, Cellar, Festival, Library, Masquerade, Minion, Nobles, Pawn, Steward, Witch
Illustration: Matthias Catrein
Developers: Valerie Putman & Dale Yu
Our thanks to our playtesters: Ted Alspach, Kelly Bailey, Dan Brees, Josephine Burns, Max Crowe, Ray Dennis, David Fair, Lucas Hedgren, Michael M. Landers, W. Eric Martin, Destry Miller, Miikka Notkola, Molly Sherwin, Sir Shufflesalot, P. Colin Street, John Vogel, Chris West, the 6am Gamers, the Cincygamers, and the Columbus Area Boardgaming Society.
© 2009 Rio Grande Games; All Rights Reserved
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please contact us at:
PO Box 45815
Rio Rancho, NM 87043 USA
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Accessible rules transcribed by Richard Gibbs for 64 Oz. Games accessibility kit in accordance with copyright law, 17 U.S.C. § 121:
Rio Grande Games
Donald X. Vaccarino
Something's afoot. The steward smiles at you like he has a secret, or like he thinks you have a secret, or like you think he thinks you have a secret. There are secret plots brewing, you're sure of it. At the very least, there are yours. A passing servant murmurs, "The eggs are on the plate." You frantically search your codebook for the translation before realizing he means that breakfast is ready. Excellent.
Everything is going according to plan.
Intrigue adds 25 new Kingdom cards to Dominion. There are victory cards that do some new things for you, underlings that give you a choice as to what they do, and a variety of other people and places. These cards can be played with the cards from the basic game or on their own. The rules include how to play a game with up to 6 players. By combining the money and victory cards with those in the basic game, players will have sufficient cards to play with more than 4 players.
This is a game of building a Deck. The Deck represents your Dominion. It contains your resources, victory points, and the things you can do. It starts out a small sad collection of Estates and Coppers, but you hope that by the end of the game it will be brimming with Gold, Provinces, and the inhabitants and structures of your castle and kingdom. We recommend that new players begin with the basic game.
The player with the most victory points in his Deck at game end wins.
- 500 cards
- 130 basic Treasure cards
- 60 Copper cards
- 40 Silver cards
- 30 Gold cards
- 48 basic Victory cards
- 24 Estate cards
- 12 Duchy cards
- 12 Province cards
- 258 Kingdom cards
- 10 each of Baron, Bridge, Conspirator, Coppersmith, Courtyard, Ironworks, Masquerade, Mining Village, Minion, Pawn, Saboteur, Scout, Secret Chamber, Shanty Town, Steward, Swindler, Torturer, Trading Post, Tribute, Upgrade, Wishing Well
- 12 each of Duke, Great Hall, Harem, Nobles
- 30 Curse cards
- 26 Randomizer (placeholder) cards (one of each Kingdom card and 1 blank)
- 7 blank cards (to create your own Kingdom card - with those from the base game and the blank placeholder from this set, you have enough for a complete set)
- 1 Trash pile card (used to mark the Trash pile)
Randomly determine the starting player. When playing multiple games, the starting player is the player to the left of the winner of the last game. If there was a tie in the previous game, randomly choose the starting player from the players that didn’t win.
Each player takes 7 Copper cards and 3 Estate cards, shuffles his 10 cards, and places them face-down in his player area (the area before him on the table) to form his Deck. Each player draws 5 cards from his Deck as his starting hand.
Players will not use all of the cards in every game. Other than the players’ starting Decks, the other cards used in a game of Dominion are called the Supply. These cards are all placed face-up in the middle of the table where all players can reach them. The randomizer card (the card with a different back) can be placed face-down at the bottom of each pile in order to help identify when the pile is empty, or when a pile becomes empty, an unused card can be placed face-down in the space to remind players that a pile of cards from the Supply is depleted. The Trash pile card is also placed near the Supply.
The card types (Action, Treasure, Victory, Curse, Reaction, and Attack) for each card are listed at the bottom of the card. If a card lists more than one card type, then for all purposes it counts as both types. For example, Great Hall is both an Action card and a Victory card at all times.
Copper, Silver, and Gold cards are the basic Treasure cards, and they are available in every game. After each player takes 7 Copper cards, place the remaining Copper cards and all of the Silver and Gold cards in face-up piles in the Supply. The Treasure cards from Dominion and Dominion: Intrigue can be combined, since these cards are intended to be in abundant enough supply to not run out. (If a type of Treasure card does run out, that becomes an empty pile in the Supply, which can be important for game ending conditions.)
Estate, Duchy, and Province cards are the basic Victory cards, and they are available in every game. In a 3 or 4 player game, place 12 Estate cards, 12 Duchy cards, and 12 Province cards in face-up piles in the Supply. In a 2 player game, place only 8 of each Victory card in the Supply. As in the basic game, the Victory cards are scaled based on the number of players and unused Victory cards are returned to the box.
The Curse cards are also available in every game. Place 10 Curse cards in the Supply for a 2 player game, 20 Curse cards for 3 players, and 30 Curse cards for 4 players. As in the basic game, the Curse cards are scaled based on the number of players and any unused Curse cards are returned to the box. Curse cards will most often be distributed to your opponents when you play specific Action cards (like Torturer). If you buy a Curse card, it goes in your own discard pile, like any other gained card.
Now that the basic Victory cards (Estates, Duchies, and Provinces), basic Treasure cards (Copper, Silver, Gold), and Curse cards are on the table, the players select 10 Kingdom cards and place 10 of each in face-up piles on the table (exception: Kingdom Victory cards are scaled to the number of players - 12 of each for a 3- or 4-player game or 8 for a 2-player game).
Players may choose the 10 Kingdom cards in any way that the players agree on. For example, you can use the Randomizer cards (one of each card with a different back) to randomly select 10 Kingdom cards from Dominion: Intrigue to play with. You can combine the Randomizer cards from the expansion together with those from the base game to choose 10 random Kingdom cards. Another option is to randomly choose 5 Kingdom cards from the basic set and 5 Kingdom cards from the expansion to play with. Finally, there are some recommended sets of 10 Kingdom cards at the end of the rules that highlight specific strategies and showcase some of the possibilities with the new cards. Any Kingdom cards not chosen for the game are set aside, as they will not be used in the game.
Playing the Game
There are three phases (a, b, and c) to each turn, taken in the order shown:
- a) Action phase - the player may play an Action.
- b) Buy phase - the player may buy a card.
- c) Clean-up phase - the player must discard both played and unplayed cards and draws five new cards.
A player completes all three phases, and then play passes clockwise to the next player.
In the Action phase, the player may play one Action card. Action cards are the Kingdom cards that say “Action” at the bottom of the card. Action cards allow players to do extra things during their turns. Some Action cards give players extra actions, some give extra money to spend in the Buy phase, and so on. Since players do not start the game with any Action cards in their initial Decks of 10 cards, a player will not have any Actions to play during his first 2 turns. Normally, a player may play only one Action card, but this number may be modified by the Action cards that the player plays.
To play an Action, the player takes an Action card from his hand and lays it face-up in his play area. He announces which card he is playing and follows the instructions written on that card from top to bottom. The player may play an Action card even if he is not able to do everything the Action card tells him to do; but the player must do as much as he can. Detailed information about cards is in the card descriptions at the end of these rules. Any Action cards played remain in the player’s play area until the Cleanup phase of the turn unless otherwise indicated on the card. Players should not discard the cards prior to the Clean-up phase, unless directed to by the card or another action.
Here are some of the common terms used on the Action cards:
"+X Action(s)" – the player may play X number of additional Actions this turn. +X Action(s) adds to the number of Actions that can be played in the Action phase—it does not mean play another Action immediately. The instructions on the current Action card must be completed before playing any additional Actions. The player must complete all of his Actions before he moves on to the Buy phase of his turn. If a card gives the player more than one additional Action, it is helpful to keep track of the number of Actions he has remaining out loud.
"+X Card(s)" – the player immediately draws X number of cards from his Deck. If there are not enough cards in his Deck, he draws as many as he can, shuffles the Discard pile to form a new Deck, and then draws the rest. If he still does not have enough cards left after forming a new Deck, he just draws as many as he can.
"+ X " – the player has X number of additional coins to spend in the Buy phase. The player does not take additional Treasure cards for these coins.
"+1 Buy" – the player may buy an additional card from the Supply during the Buy phase of his turn. +1 Buy adds to your potential Buys, it does not mean to immediately buy a card during the Action phase.
"Discard" – unless otherwise specified, discarded cards come from the player’s hand. When a player discards a card, he places the discarded card face-up onto his Discard pile. When discarding multiple cards at once, the player need not show the cards that he is discarding to his opponents. The player may need to show how many cards he is discarding (for example, when playing Secret Chamber). The top card of a player’s Discard pile will always be visible.
"Trash” – when a player trashes a card, he places it in the Trash pile, not his Discard pile. Trashed cards are not returned to the Supply and are not available for purchase.
"Gain” – when a player gains a card, he takes the gained card (usually from the Supply) and puts it in his Discard pile (unless the card says specifically to put it elsewhere). The player does not get to use the ability of the card when he gains it.
“Reveal” – when a player reveals a card, he shows a card to all players and then returns it to wherever it came from (unless instructed specifically to put it elsewhere). If the player is required to reveal cards from the top of his Deck, and he does not have enough cards, he shuffles in order to reveal the required number of cards.
“Set Aside” – when a player sets aside a card, he places it face-up on the table (unless otherwise indicated) without following any instructions on the card. An Action that requires a player to set aside cards will instruct him on what to do with these cards.
There is one new term introduced in Intrigue:
“Pass” – when a player passes a card to another player, he places that card face down on the table between himself and the other player. The receiving player then takes the card from the table and puts it in his hand. A passed card is not revealed to the other players. A passed card is not considered to be trashed or discarded by the player passing it and it is not considered to be gained by the player receiving it.
The Action phase ends when the player cannot or chooses not to play any more Action cards. Generally, a player can only play Action cards during the Action phase of his turn. However, Reaction cards are an exception to this rule as they can be used at other times.
In the Buy phase, the player can gain one card from the Supply by paying its cost. Any card that is in the Supply may be purchased (Treasure cards, Victory cards, Kingdom cards, and even Curse cards). The player may not purchase cards from the Trash pile. Normally, a player may buy only one card, but this number may be modified by cards the player has played earlier in his Action phase.
The cost of a card is in the lower left corner. The player may play some or all of the Treasure cards from his hand to his play area on the table and add to their value the coins provided by Action cards played this turn. The player may then gain any card in the Supply of equal or lesser value. He takes the purchased card from its Supply pile and places it face-up onto his Discard pile. He may not use the ability of the card when it is gained. If the player has multiple Buys, he combines Treasure cards and any coins available from Action cards to pay for all of the purchases. For example, if Tyler has +1 Buy and 6 coins provided by two Gold cards, he can buy a Courtyard costing 2 and put it face-up in his Discard pile. Then Tyler can buy an Ironworks with the remaining 4 coins and place that face-up in his Discard pile, as well. If Tyler had chosen to use all 6 coins to buy one card, he could still buy a Copper (for free) with his second buy or choose not to buy a second card. Players do not have to use all or any of their buys. The Treasure cards remain in the play area until the Clean-up phase. Players will use the Treasure cards multiple times during the game. They are discarded during the Clean-up phase, but the player will draw them again after his Discard pile is shuffled into a new Deck. Thus, Treasure cards can be viewed as a source of income, not a resource that is used up. When played, Coppers are worth 1 coin, Silvers, 2 coins, and Golds, 3 coins.
All cards gained this turn should already be in the player’s Discard pile. The player places any cards that are in his play area (Action and Treasure cards that were played in the Action and Buy phases) and any cards remaining in his hand onto his Discard pile. The player need not show the cards remaining in his hand to his opponents. Since he places the cards in the Discard pile face-up, his opponents will always be able to see the top-most card of his Discard pile.
Then, the player draws a new hand of 5 cards from his Deck. If there are not enough cards in his Deck, he draws as many as he can, shuffles his Discard pile to form a new face-down Deck, and then draws the rest of his new hand. Once the player has drawn a new hand of 5 cards, the next player may start his turn. Experienced players will find that the next player can begin his turn while the previous player is completing the Clean-up phase. If, however, someone plays an Attack card, each player must complete the Clean-up phase of his previous turn in order to properly resolve the Attack.
Tracy looks at her hand of 5 cards. She has a Mining Village, a Pawn, a Silver, and 2 Estates in her hand. During her Action phase, she plays the Mining Village to her play area and immediately draws another card.
She draws a Courtyard and puts that card into her hand. The Mining Village also adds two additional available Actions to her Action phase, but she cannot play any more Actions until she finishes resolving the Mining Village. Tracy chooses not to trash the Mining Village for the additional 2 coins (and she realizes she cannot change her mind about this later during her Buy phase).
With the Mining Village resolved, Tracy uses one of the additional actions from the Mining Village to play the Courtyard and immediately draws 3 more cards. She only has 2 cards left in her Deck, so she draws both of these. Then, she must shuffle her face-up Discard pile and form a new face-down Deck in order to draw her 3rd card. Tracy has drawn a Silver and 2 Copper cards. She chooses one of the Estates from her hand and places it back on top of the Deck (as required by the Courtyard).
The Courtyard is now resolved, so Tracy can play another Action (provided by the Mining Village). Tracy plays a Pawn. She chooses +1 Coin and +1 Buy. Tracy is now out of Actions.
For her Buy phase, she plays the 2 Silver cards and the 3 Copper cards to her play area. Combined with the +1 Buy and +1 Coin, Tracy has 8 coins to spend, and she has 2 Buys. Tracy buys a Great Hall for 3 coins and places it face-up on her Discard pile. With 4 of her remaining coins, she buys a Scout and places it face-up on her Discard pile.
Finally, during the Clean-up phase, Tracy discards the Mining Village, the Courtyard, the Pawn, and the Treasure cards that were in her play area. She also discards the other Estate remaining in her hand. Tracy then draws 5 cards from her Deck into her hand to end her turn.
Game End
The game ends at the end of any player’s turn when one of two conditions is met: the Supply pile of Province cards is empty OR any 3 Supply piles are empty. Each player counts up his victory points on the cards in his entire Deck (which includes his hand and his Discard pile).
The player with the most victory points wins. If the highest scores are tied at the end of the game, the tied player who has had the fewest turns wins the game. If the tied players have had the same number of turns, they rejoice in their shared victory.
Additional Rules
player is allowed to count how many cards are left in his Deck, but not in his Discard pile. A player may not look through his Deck or his Discard pile. A player may look through the Trash pile, and players may count the number of cards left in any pile in the Supply.
If an ability of a card affects multiple players, and the order matters, resolve that ability for each affected player in turn order, starting with the player whose turn it is. At any point in the game, if a player has to draw or reveal more cards than are remaining in his Deck, he must draw or reveal as many as he can and then shuffle his face-up Discard pile to form a new face-down Deck. Then, he draws or reveals the remaining number of cards from his newly shuffled Deck. If a player’s Deck is empty, he does not shuffle his Discard pile until he needs to reveal or draw a card from his Deck and cannot.
Additional Rules for Intrigue
Some cards in this expansion give a player a choice between two or more options (such as Minion, Nobles, Pawn, Steward, Torturer). The player may pick any choice offered, even if he cannot do what it tells him to do, but once he makes a choice, he must complete as much of it as he can. Specific examples of this rule are given in the descriptions for cards later in the rules.
Some cards allow you to choose to generate coins for the turn. When several choice cards are played in one turn and some of them generate coins, you may want to indicate this somehow in order to remember how many additional coins you have to spend during the Buy phase. For example, you can push the cards that made money up slightly from the line of cards you play.
Some cards in this expansion are both Victory cards and another type as well (Great Hall, Harem, Nobles). These cards are both types for all purposes. Great Hall and Nobles can be played like normal Actions; Harem can be spent like a normal Treasure. At the end of the game, all three contribute to your score. When a card refers to a type of card, it means any card having that type; so, for example, Adventurer will find Harems as well as other Treasure cards; Mine can be used to trade in Silver for a Harem.
Intrigue introduces a second Reaction card, Secret Chamber. Players may reveal multiple Reaction cards in response to a single event. Each Reaction card is revealed and resolved before another Reaction card is revealed. The second Reaction card can be one that was not initially in hand when the first Reaction card was played. For example, a player could reveal Secret Chamber in response to an Attack card and draw a Moat. After the player has completely resolved the Secret Chamber, he can still reveal the Moat in response to the Attack card.
Rules for playing with more than 4 players
If you own both Dominion and Dominion: Intrigue, you can play with more than 4 players. Our recommendation is to use both sets of Treasure, Victory, and Curse cards in order to play 2 separate games (for example, 7 players can play one 3-player game and one 4-player game). Each group can select their own 10 Kingdom cards from both sets to play with.
The following are rules for a single game accommodating 5 or 6 players. Please note that there will be increased downtime with 5 or 6 players, so this is not recommended for new players.
To set up for 5 or 6 players, combine the Treasure cards from Dominion and Dominion: Intrigue. Use 15 Provinces in the Supply for a 5-player game and 18 Provinces in the Supply for a 6-player game. All other Victory card piles (Estates, Duchies, and Victory Kingdom cards) remain at 12 cards per pile. Use 40 Curse cards for a 5-player game and 50 Curse cards for a 6-player game.
In a 5 or 6 player game, the game ends at the end of any player’s turn when one of two conditions is met: the Supply pile of Province cards is empty OR any 4 Supply piles are empty.
Kingdom Card Description
Baron - You are never obligated to discard an Estate, even if you have one in your hand. However, if you do not discard an Estate, you must gain an Estate (if there are any left); you cannot choose to just get +1 Buy from this card.
Bridge - Costs are 1 coin lower for all purposes. For example, if you played Village, then Bridge, then Workshop, you could use Workshop to gain a Duchy (because Duchy now costs 4 coins due to the Bridge). Then if you played 3 coins, you could buy a Silver (for 2 coins) and an Estate (for 1 coin). Cards in players' decks are also affected. The effect is cumulative; if you Throne Room a Bridge, all cards will cost 2 coins less this turn. Costs never go below 0 coins. For this reason, if you play Bridge and then play Upgrade, you could trash a Copper (which still costs zero, even though you played Bridge) and gain a Pawn (which costs 1 after Bridge is played).
Conspirator – You evaluate whether or not Conspirator gives you +1 Card and +1 Action when you play it. If later in the turn you play more Action cards, you do not go back and reevaluate a Conspirator played earlier. For the purposes of counting actions, if you Throne Room an Action, that's one Action for the Throne Room, one for the selected Action played the first time, and one for the selected Action played the second time. For example, if you play Throne Room on Conspirator, the first Conspirator will be your second Action, and won't give you +1 Card or +1 Action, but the second Conspirator will be your third Action, and you will get +1 Card and +1 Action for that second Conspirator. Action - Victory cards are Actions.
Coppersmith - This just changes how much money you get when playing Copper. The effect is cumulative; if you use Throne Room on Coppersmith, each Copper that you play that turn will produce 3 coins.
Courtyard - You draw cards and add them to your hand before putting one back. The card you put on top of your deck can be any card in your new hand and doesn't have to be one of the 3 you just drew.
Duke - This does nothing until the end of the game, at which time it's worth 1 VP per Duchy you have. This counts all of your cards - your Discard pile and hand are part of your Deck at that point. During set-up, place 12 Dukes in the Supply for a 3- or 4- player game and 8 in the Supply for a 2-player game.
Great Hall - This is both an Action card and a Victory card. When you play it, you draw a card and may play another Action. At the end of the game, it's worth 1 VP, like an Estate. During set-up, place 12 Great Halls in the Supply for a 3- or 4-player game and 8 in the Supply for a 2-player game.
Harem - This is both a Treasure card and a Victory card. You can play it for 2 coins, just like a Silver card. At the end of the game, it's worth 2 VP. During set-up, place 12 Harems in the Supply for a 3- or 4-player game and 8 in the Supply for a 2-player game.
Ironworks - The card you gain must be from the Supply and is put into your discard pile. You get a bonus depending on what type of card you gained. A card with 2 types gives you both bonuses; if you use Ironworks to gain a Great Hall, you will then draw a card (because Great Hall is a Victory card) and may play another Action (because Great Hall is an Action card). Costs of cards are affected by Bridge.
Masquerade - First you draw 2 cards. Next, each player (all at the same time) chooses a card from his hand and places it face down on the table between him and the player to his left. The player to the left then puts that card into his hand. Cards are passed simultaneously, so you may not look at the card you are receiving until you have chosen a card to pass. Finally, you may trash a card from your hand. Only the player who played Masquerade may trash a card. This is not an Attack and cannot be responded to with Moat or Secret Chamber.
Mining Village - You must decide whether to trash Mining Village or not before moving on to other actions or other phases. You get a card and +2 Actions, whether you choose to trash it or not. If you trash it you also get +2 Coins. If you Throne Room a Mining Village, you cannot trash Mining Village twice. You will get +1 Card, +2 Actions, and +2 Coins the first time you play it and trash it and when you play it the second time with the Throne Room you get +1 Card and +2 Actions but cannot trash it again.
Minion - You get +1 Action whichever option you choose. The options are +2 coins, or everything after that - discarding, drawing 4 cards, and other players discarding and drawing. A player who Moats this neither discards nor draws. Other players are only affected by this if they have 5 or more cards in hand. Other players can use Secret Chamber when you play Minion even if they do not have 5 or more cards in hand.
Nobles - This is both an Action card and a Victory card. When you play it, you choose either to draw 3 cards or to get 2 more Actions to use; you cannot mix and match. At the end of the game, this is worth 2 VP. During set-up, place 12 Nobles in the Supply for a 3- or 4-player game and 8 in the Supply for a 2-player game.
Pawn - First pick any 2 of the 4 options. You cannot pick the same option twice. After picking both, do both, in either order. You may not choose to draw a card, look at the card drawn, and then make your second choice.
Saboteur - Each other player turns over the top cards of his deck until he reveals one costing 3 coins or more. If a player needs to shuffle to continue revealing cards, he does not shuffle in the already revealed cards. If he goes through all of his cards without finding a card costing 3 coins or more, he just discards everything revealed and is done. If he does find a card costing 3 coins or more, he trashes it, and then may choose to gain a card costing at most 2 coins less than the trashed card. For example, if he trashed a card costing 5 coins, he may gain a card costing up to 3 coins. The gained card must be from the Supply and is put into his discard pile, as are his revealed cards. Costs of cards are affected by Bridge.
Scout - If there are fewer than 4 cards left in your deck, reveal all the cards in your deck, shuffle your discard pile (which does not include currently revealed cards), and then reveal the remainder needed. Action - Victory cards are Victory cards. Curse cards are not Victory cards. Take all revealed Victory cards into your hand; you cannot choose to leave some on top. You do not have to reveal the order that you put cards back in.
Secret Chamber - When you play this as an Action on your turn, you first discard any number of cards from your hand, then get 1 coin per card you discarded. You may choose to discard zero cards, but then you will get zero additional coins. The other ability does nothing at that time as it is only used as a Reaction. When someone else plays an Attack card, you may reveal Secret Chamber from your hand. If you do, first you draw 2 cards, then you put any 2 cards from your hand on top of your deck (in any order). The cards you put back do not have to be the ones you drew. You can put Secret Chamber itself on top of your deck; it's still in your hand when you reveal it. Revealing Secret Chamber happens prior to resolving what an Attack does to you. For example, if another player plays Thief, you can reveal Secret Chamber, draw 2 cards, put 2 back, and then you resolve getting hit by the Thief. You can reveal Secret Chamber whenever another player plays an Attack card, even if that Attack would not affect you. Also, you can reveal more than one Reaction card in response to an Attack. For example, after revealing the Secret Chamber in response to an Attack and resolving the effect of the Secret Chamber, you can still reveal a Moat to avoid the Attack completely. Shanty Town - You get 2 more Actions to use no matter what else happens. Then you must reveal your hand. If you have no Action cards in hand, you draw 2 cards. If the first card you draw is an Action card, you still draw the second card. Action - Victory cards are Action cards.
Steward – If you choose to trash 2 cards and have 2 or more cards in your hand after playing the Steward, then you must trash exactly 2 cards. You may choose to trash 2 cards, even if you only have 1 card left in your hand after playing the Steward; just trash the remaining card in your hand. You cannot mix and match - you either draw 2 cards, get 2 coins, or trash 2 cards.
Swindler - A player with no cards left in his Deck shuffles first; a player who still has no cards does not trash a card or gain a card. If the order matters (such as when piles are running low), resolve Swindler in turn order starting with the player to your left. Gained cards go to discard piles. If a player trashes a 0-cost card such as Copper, you may choose to give him Curse (if there are any left). You can give a player another copy of the same card he trashed. The gained cards have to be ones from the Supply, and you have to pick a card that's left if you can (you cannot pick an empty pile). If there are no cards in the Supply with the same cost as a given player's trashed card, no card is gained by that player. A player who Moats this does not reveal a card from his deck, and so neither trashes a card nor gains a card.
Torturer - Each other player chooses which option to suffer and then suffers it. A player can choose to gain a Curse even when there are no Curses left, in which case he doesn't gain one; and a player can choose to discard 2 cards even if he has no cards in hand or one card in hand (if he has one card, he discards that single card). Gained Curses go to the players' hands rather than their discard piles. If there aren't enough Curses left for everybody, deal them around in turn order starting with the player to your left. When the order matters (such as with very few Curses left), each player makes his decision of which fate to suffer in turn order.
Trading Post - If you have 2 or more cards, you must trash exactly 2 cards and gain a Silver card. The gained Silver card goes into your hand and can be spent the same turn. If the Silver pile is empty, you do not gain a Silver card (but still trash cards if possible). If you only have one card left in your hand and you play Trading Post, you trash the one remaining card but you do not gain a Silver. If you have no cards left when you play this, nothing happens.
Tribute - If the player after you has fewer than 2 cards left in his deck, he reveals all the cards in his deck, shuffles his discard pile (which does not include currently revealed cards), and then reveals the remainder needed. The player then discards the revealed cards. If the player after you does not have enough cards to reveal 2, he reveals what he can. You get bonuses for the types of cards revealed, counting only the different cards. A card with 2 types gives you both bonuses. So if the player to your left reveals Copper and Harem, you get +4 coins and +2 cards; if he reveals 2 Silvers, you just get +2 coins. Curse produces no bonus.
Upgrade - Draw a card first. Then, you must trash a card from your hand and gain a card costing exactly 1 coin more than the trashed card. The gained card has to be a card in the Supply, and it goes into your discard pile. If there are no cards available for that cost, you do not get one (you still trashed a card though). If you do not have a card in your hand to trash, you neither trash nor gain a card. Card costs are affected by Bridge. Since Bridge affects the costs of the card you trash and the card you gain, in most cases the Bridge will have no net effect. But since cards cannot go below zero in cost, a Bridge played before an Upgrade would allow you to trash a Copper (cost of zero, even with the Bridge) and gain an Estate (cost of 1 as a result of the Bridge).
Wishing Well - First you draw your card. Then name a card ("Copper," for example - not "Treasure") and reveal the top card of your deck; if you named the same card you revealed, put the revealed card in your hand. If you do not name the right card, you put the revealed card back on top.
Recommended Sets of 10
Victory Dance: Bridge, Duke, Great Hall, Harem, Ironworks, Masquerade, Nobles, Pawn, Scout, Upgrade
Secret Schemes: Conspirator, Harem, Ironworks, Pawn, Saboteur, Shanty Town, Steward, Swindler, Trading Post, Tribute
Best Wishes: Coppersmith, Courtyard, Masquerade, Scout, Shanty Town, Steward, Torturer, Trading Post, Upgrade, Wishing Well
Deconstruction: Bridge, Mining Village, Remodel, Saboteur, Secret Chamber, Spy, Swindler, Thief, Throne Room, Torturer
Hand Madness: Bureaucrat, Chancellor, Council Room, Courtyard, Mine, Militia, Minion, Nobles, Steward, Torturer
Underlings: Baron, Cellar, Festival, Library, Masquerade, Minion, Nobles, Pawn, Steward, Witch
Illustration: Matthias Catrein
Developers: Valerie Putman & Dale Yu
Our thanks to our playtesters: Ted Alspach, Kelly Bailey, Dan Brees, Josephine Burns, Max Crowe, Ray Dennis, David Fair, Lucas Hedgren, Michael M. Landers, W. Eric Martin, Destry Miller, Miikka Notkola, Molly Sherwin, Sir Shufflesalot, P. Colin Street, John Vogel, Chris West, the 6am Gamers, the Cincygamers, and the Columbus Area Boardgaming Society.
© 2009 Rio Grande Games; All Rights Reserved
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please contact us at:
PO Box 45815
Rio Rancho, NM 87043 USA
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Accessible rules transcribed by Richard Gibbs for 64 Oz. Games accessibility kit in accordance with copyright law, 17 U.S.C. § 121: