Dominion Seaside(2nd Edition) Rules

Donald X Vaccarino

All you ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by. And someone who knows how to steer ships using stars. You finally got some of those rivers you'd wanted, and they led to the sea. These are dangerous, pirate-infested waters, and you cautiously send rat-infested ships across them, to establish lucrative trade at far-off merchant-infested ports. First you will take over some islands, as a foothold. The natives seem friendly enough, crying their peace cries, and giving you spears and poison darts before you are even close enough to accept them properly. Then you will conquer those ports, and from there you will look for more rivers. For that is your way. 

This is the 2nd addition to the game of Dominion. It adds 27 new Kingdom cards to Dominion. The central theme is your next turn; there are cards that do something this turn and next, cards that set up your next turn, and other ways to step outside of the bounds of a normal turn. Dominion: Seaside cannot be played by itself; to play with it, you need the Basic cards and rulebook (Dominion provides both). 

We hope you enjoy this expanding world of Dominion!  


300 Cards      consisting of 272 Kingdom cards         

10 each of Astrolabe, Bazaar, Blockade, Caravan, Corsair, Cutpurse, Fishing Village, Haven, Lighthouse, Lookout, Merchant Ship, Monkey, Native Village,      Outpost, Pirate, Sailor, Salvager, Sea Chart, Sea Witch, Smugglers,Tactician, Tide Pools, Treasure Map, Treasury, Warehouse, Wharf         

12 Island

27 Randomizer cards   

1 Blank card

12 Player mats (2 for each player): 

 Island     Native Village 

1 Plastic organizer tray

1 Organizing inlay

1 Rule booklet


Before the first game, remove the three sets of cards from their wrappings and place them in the card tray. The included inlay shows how to organize the cards.  

Seaside includes 27 randomizer cards (one for each Kingdom card in Seaside). Players will need the Treasure cards, Victory cards, Curse cards, and Trash mat/card from either Dominion or Base Cards (or older editions of Intrigue), and the rules from Dominion to play with this expansion. As with previous Dominion games, players must choose 10 sets of Kingdom cards for each game. If players choose the random approach for choosing sets, they should shuffle the randomizer cards from this expansion with those of any other Dominion games they choose to play with. 

Seaside has player mats for 2 cards: Island and Native Village. You do not need these at the start of the game; take a player mat when you first need one for the appropriate card. 

Additional Rules for Seaside

Seaside introduces Duration cards. Duration cards are orange and have abilities that affect future turns. Players do not discard Duration cards in Clean-up if they have something left to do; they stay in play until the Clean-up of the last turn that they do something. Additionally, if a card such as Throne Room plays a Duration card multiple times, that card also stays in play until the player discards the Duration card. This enables the player to track the fact that the Duration card was played multiple times. Players keep track of whether or not a Duration card was played on the current turn, such as by keeping cards from the previous turn in a separate line on the table, or by tilting Duration cards when they do something at the start of a turn.  


• You play a Fishing Village, getting +2 Actions and +$1. Since it also does something next turn, you do not discard it from play in Clean-up. At the start of your next turn, you get +1 Action and +$1. Fishing Village is now done, but stays in play through that turn, and is discarded in Clean-up.

• At the start of your turn, you have a Wharf in play from last turn. You get +2 Cards and +1 Buy. Then this turn you play a second Wharf, getting +2 Cards and +1 Buy. In Clean-up you discard the Wharf from last turn, but not the Wharf from this turn. 

• You play Throne Room on a Merchant Ship. You get +$2 and another +$2, for $4+ total. In Clean-up both the Throne Room and Merchant Ship stay in play. At the start of your next turn you get another +$4; in that turn's Clean-up you discard the Throne Room and Merchant Ship. 

• You play Tactician with no cards left in your hand. Since Tactician only does something on the next turn if you had at least one card, Tactician has nothing left to do, so you discard it in Clean-up.

Sample Turn

It is the start of Billy's turn in a game against Anna. His hand is a Sailor, a Blockade, a Native Village, a Caravan, and a Silver. He has a Wharf and Fishing Village in play from his last turn, and a Native Village mat with 2 Coppers, a Gold, a Cutpurse, and a Duchy. 

First he resolves his Duration cards. He gets +2 Cards (another Native Village and a Province) and +1 Buy from Wharf, and +1 Action and +$1 from Fishing Village. 

He plays Native Village, putting the top card of his deck on his Native Village mat and looking at it: a Salvager. He plays the other Native Village, taking the cards from the mat into his hand. He plays Caravan, drawing a Silver. He plays Cutpurse; Anna has a Copper and discards one. 

Billy plays Sailor. He plays Blockade, gaining another Sailor. He uses the first Sailor's ability to play the second Sailor. Then he plays Salvager, trashing the Province for +$8 and +1 Buy. 

Billy is ready for his Buy phase. He plays his Treasures. He has $20 total: $8 from trashing Province, $9 from Treasures, $2 from Cutpurse, and $1 from the Fishing Village. He has 3 Buys: his normal Buy, one from Wharf, and one from Salvager. He buys a Province, a Duchy, and a Tactician, using the second Sailor to play the Tactician, which makes him discard the last card in his hand, the Duchy.

Billy discards everything he has in play except the two Sailors, the Caravan, and the Tactician (he played Blockade this turn, but it has nothing left to do). He draws a new hand of five cards and is done.

Kingdom Card Notes

Astrolabe: This gives you +1 Buy and +$1 on the turn you play it, and +1 Buy and +$1 on your next turn too. 

Bazaar: You draw a card and get +2 Actions and +$1.

Blockade: The gained card comes from the Supply and is set aside; put it on the Blockade to remember which card goes with Blockade. If the gained card somehow doesn't end up set aside (for example if you trash it with Watchtower from Prosperity), nothing further happens; if the card is set aside, then you put it into your hand on your next turn, and until then, when other players gain the card on their own turns, they also gain a Curse. 

Caravan: You draw a card and get +1 Action when you play this, and then you draw another card at the start of your next turn.

Corsair: The trashed Silver or Gold still made $ for the player to spend that turn.  

Cutpurse: Each of your opponents with at least one Copper in hand discards one Copper. Each of your opponents with no Coppers in hand reveals their hand to prove this. 

Fishing Village: You get +2 Actions and +$1 when you play this, and then  +1 Action and +$1 at the start of your next turn. 

Haven: First draw a card and get +1 Action; then choose a card from your hand and set it aside face down under Haven. You may look at it, but other players may not. You have to set aside a card if you can. At the start of your next turn, return the set aside card to your hand. 

Island: When you set aside your first Island, take an Island player mat to put it on. Island and the set aside card are face up on the mat; anyone can look at them. They stay there until the end of the game, when you return them to your deck and count your score. When playing Island, you have to set aside a card if you can. If you Throne Room an Island, you set aside two cards with it. Use 8 copies of Island for games with 2 players, 12 for games with 3 or more players. 

Lighthouse: Between when you play Lighthouse and the start of your next turn, Attack cards other players play don't affect you (even if you want them to). This does not prevent you from using Reactions when other players play Attacks. 

Lookout: You do the things in order - first trash one of the cards, then discard one, then put the last one on top of your deck. So if there is only one card (even after shuffling), you trash it, and if there are only 2 cards, you trash one then discard the other. 

Merchant Ship: You get +$2 when you play this and another +$2 at the start of your next turn. 

Monkey: This includes cards that the player gains on other players' turns, such as a Curse they gain on your turn via Witch. 

Native Village: When you play this, you either take all of the cards from your mat, or set aside the top card of your deck on your mat. When you first set aside a card with Native Village, take a Native Village mat to put the cards on. You can look at the cards on your mat whenever you like, but other players cannot. You may choose either option even if there are no cards in your deck or no cards on your mat. You cannot look at the top card before deciding whether to set it aside or take the cards from the mat. At the end of the game, all cards from the mat are returned to your deck for scoring. 

Outpost: Outpost only does anything the first time you play it in a turn, and only if the previous turn was another player's (meaning, you are not already taking an extra turn). If these conditions are met, you take an extra turn, and only draw 3 cards for your next hand rather than 5 (thus usually only having 3 cards in hand on the extra turn). Except for the smaller starting hand, the extra turn is a normal turn. If you play e.g. Merchant Ship in the same turn as Outpost, the extra turn will be when you get the +$2 from Merchant Ship. Extra turns do not count towards the tiebreaker of which tied player had fewer turns. 

Pirate: You can play this when you gain a Treasure, or when another player gains a Treasure. If you play this during another player's turn, your following turn is when your Pirate gains you a Treasure. The Treasure you gain comes from the Supply and goes directly to your hand. 

Sailor: If you gain a Duration card the turn you play Sailor, playing it is optional. This is cumulative; if you play two Sailors, you can play up to two gained Duration cards. However two Sailors cannot play the same gained Duration card twice. Sailor applies to cards gained due to being bought, or gained other ways, such as with Workshop. If you gain a Duration card in your Buy phase, Sailor can play it, even though it's your Buy phase. If such a card gives you +Actions, that doesn't let you play more Action cards in your Buy phase; if it draws Treasure cards, you can only play them if you haven't bought any cards yet. The ability to play Duration cards only happens the turn you play Sailor; on your next turn, you just get +$2 and may trash a card from your hand. 

Salvager: For example if you trash an Estate, which costs $2, you get +$2 (and  +1 Buy). If you trash a card with potion or debt in the cost (from other expansions), you get nothing for those symbols. 

Sea Chart: If you have a copy of the revealed card in play - including the just played Sea Chart, or a Duration card that you have in play from a previous turn - then you put the revealed card into your hand; otherwise, you leave the card on top of your deck. 

Sea Witch: When you play this, you draw 2 cards and each other player gains a Curse; then at the start of your next turn, you draw 2 cards and then discard 2 cards. 

Smugglers: The card has to cost $6 or less when you play Smugglers; it does not have to have cost $6 or less when the player to your right gained it. This looks at the most recent turn of the player to your right, even if you have taken multiple turns in a row. The gained card does not have to have been bought by the other player, just gained; for example you can gain a copy of a card they gained with their own Smugglers. If they gained multiple cards costing $6 or less, you choose between them; if they gained no such cards, you do not gain anything. This can only gain cards that are present in the Supply; for example you cannot gain a Spoils (from Dominion: Dark Ages). This is not an Attack, so Lighthouse and Moat do not stop it. 

Tactician: If you have no cards in hand, then Tactician does nothing more and is discarded in the same turn's Clean-up. If you do have at least one card, you discard your hand, Tactician stays in play, and at the start of your next turn you get +5 Cards, +1 Buy, and +1 Action (and Tactician is discarded that turn). If you use Throne Room on Tactician, you will discard your hand on the first play and will have no cards in hand for the second play (and so will not get the bonuses). 

Tide Pools: When you play this, you get +3 Cards and +1 Action, but at the start of your next turn, you have to discard 2 cards. If you have only one card left in hand you discard that one, and if you have no cards you don't discard any. When you have multiple Duration cards doing things at the start of your turn, you can put them in an order to your advantage; for example if you have four Tide Pools and a Wharf, you could discard all of your cards to the Tide Pools, then draw the Wharf cards. 

Treasure Map: When you play this, you trash it and trash another Treasure Map from your hand, if you can. If you did trash another copy of Treasure Map, then you gain 4 Golds, putting them onto your deck instead of your discard pile. If you did not have another copy of Treasure Map in hand, then you just trash the played Treasure Map and nothing else happens. Using Throne Room on Treasure Map is not trashing two Treasure Maps. 

Treasury: If you didn't gain any Victory cards during your Buy phase, you may put any or all of your played Treasuries on top of your deck at the end of it. If you did gain at least one Victory card, all of the Treasuries are discarded normally. Victory cards gained outside of the Buy phase, such as with Smugglers, don't prevent you from putting Treasuries on your deck. 

Warehouse: If there are fewer than 3 cards for you to draw (after shuffling), you still discard 3 cards. 

Wharf: You draw 2 cards and get +1 Buy when you play this, and draw another 2 Cards and get +1 Buy at the start of your next turn. 


1st Edition Game Developers: Valerie Putman and Dale Yu 1st Edition playtesters: Ted Alspach, Kelly Bailey, Bill Barksdale, Alex Bishop, Dan Brees, Josephine Burns, Max Crowe,  Ray Dennis, David Fair, Lucas Hedgren, Nathan Heiss, Wei-Hwa Huang, John Kallaugher, Bryon Kizer, Tom Lehmann,  W. Eric Martin, Destry Miller, Miikka Notkola, Anthony Rubbo, Molly Sherwin, Sir Shufflesalot, Paul Sottosanti, John Vogel, Chris West, Jeff Wolfe, the 6am Gamers, the Cincygamers, and the Columbus Area Boardgaming Society.  2nd Edition head playtester: Matthew Engel

2nd Edition playtesters: Julian Abernethy, Jeff Boschen, Cade Conradson, Dibson T Hoffweiler, David Justiss, Eli Kaplan,  Ben King, Steveie King, Myke Madsen, Billy Martin, Michael McClellan, Kieran Millar, Destry Miller, Jacob Nails, nasmith99, Carl Romao, Ingo Warnke, and Kevin White 

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