Smash Up: World Tour: International Incident

Smash Up: World Tour: International Incident
A fight for 2-4 players, ages 14 and up.

Your goal is nothing short
of total global domination!
Use your minions to crush
enemy bases. The first
player to score 15 victory
points (VP) wins!

Game Contents
This set contains:
• 4 factions with 20 cards each
(80 cards total)
• 8 base cards
• 4 card dividers
• 1 token sheet
(used as both Victory Point
tokens and +1 power counters)
• This rulebook

Growing On You
World Tour: International
Incident is an
expansion to the Smash
Up core set. It is still a fully
operational battle station
for 2 players though!
These rules sometimes
talk like you’ve got more
than just four factions, or
mention cards that aren’t
in this expansion. If you
don’t already have the
other sets, just think of it
as viral marketing.

Each player selects two different
factions to play with, and
is considered the owner of
the factions they choose, for
gameplay purposes. Shuffle
together your two factions to
make a 40-card deck.

Next, grab just the bases from
the sets the chosen factions
came from. For example, if you
have Luchador Vikings vs. Itty
Critter Vigilantes, take the bases
from International Incident, Oops
You Did It Again, Big in Japan,
and That ‘70s Expansion to make
your base deck. Shuffle the base
cards together.
Draw one base per player, plus
one (e.g., four bases for three
players), and place them face up
in the middle of the table.
Each player draws five cards from
their deck. If you have no minions
in your opening hand, you may
show your hand, discard it, and
draw a new hand of five cards;
you must keep the second hand.
Whoever most recently visited
another country goes first. Play
continues clockwise.

The Phases of a Turn
1. Start Turn
Some abilities say they happen “at
the start of your turn”. This phase is
when they all can happen — not just
the first one. Any abilities that expire
at the start of your turn expire before
any of those start-of-turn events.
2. Play Cards
On your turn play one minion, play
one action, or play one of each… for
free! You can play your cards in any
order. You don’t have to play any
cards. In addition, several abilities of
your cards in play have abilities that
can be used now.
To play a minion, choose a base
and put the minion card beside it,
facing toward you. Do what the card
says. (Cards that start with Special are
a special case. Explained further on)
To play an action, show the card and
do what it says. If it didn’t say to play
it on a base or on a minion, then it’s
a standard action, and you discard it
after using it.

Minions and non-standard actions
often have abilities that work
during the Play Cards phase. An
ability labeled “Talent” can only be
used once during this phase of your
turn (see p. 13). Likewise, “on/during
your turn” means during your Play
Cards phase.
3. Score Bases
After you are done playing cards,
check to see whether any bases are
ready to score (see p. 8). If any are
ready, you must start scoring.
4. Draw 2 Cards
Do what it says: draw two cards.
If your hand is empty at other
times of the game, you don’t get
an automatic draw; you have to
wait for this phase of your turn. But
if you need to draw, reveal, search
for, or look at a card and your deck
is empty, shuffle your discard pile
to make your new deck, and keep
After drawing, the maximum number
of cards you can have in your hand
is 10. If you have more, discard down
to 10. If your hand is bigger than 10
at other times of the game, that’s OK:
you wait until now to discard down.

5. End Turn
Just like the start, there’s a phase
for the end of the turn. Things
that happen now (like destroying a
minion or drawing a card) happen
first; if there is more than one, the
current player chooses their order.
After that, all abilities that expire now
(like “+1 power until the end of the
turn”) expire at the same time.
Finally, check to see if any players
have 15 or more victory points. If
so, see Game Over, Man! on p. 9.
Otherwise the turn is over and play
passes to the player on the left.

Card Resolution Order
Playing a card will often trigger or
invoke other cards, so here’s a handy
guide for figuring out their order.
1. Resolve the card just played
or triggered.
2. Finish resolving other cards that
are in the middle of resolving.
3. Resolve cards in play triggered
by the card of step 1. If more
than one, the current player
chooses their order.
4. Play cards in hand triggered by
the card of step 1. If more than
one, go clockwise from the
current player. (Me First, p. 8)
5. Discard the card of step 1 if it
was just played, unless it was
played on another card.
Some cards interrupt other cards in
the middle of what they are doing.
If so, just resolve the later card
according to this same order, then
continue with the earlier card as

The Big Score
Score a base during the Score Bases
phase if the total power on that
base equals or exceeds the base’s
breakpoint (see p. 3). If more than
one base is ready to score, the player
whose turn it is decides which one
to score first.
After a base has been chosen to
score, players may use abilities that
happen “before” the base scores.
If the total power on a base drops
below its breakpoint after it is
chosen, you still finish scoring the
For example, before Great White
North scores, two players choose to
move one of their minions from it to
another base since it won’t change
the amount of VPs they will receive.
Even if the total power goes below
its breakpoint, the base still scores.

Me First!
When resolving abilities while
scoring a base, just as when
responding to any trigger, you first
resolve abilities of cards in play, in
the order chosen by the current
player. Then, if more than one player
wants to play a card with a Special
ability, each player, starting with the
current player and going clockwise,
plays one Special or passes. You can
play another Special each time it
comes around to you, and you can
play a Special after passing, but once
all players pass in sequence, that
ends it.
Awarding VP
The players with the highest, 2nd,
highest, and 3rd highest power on a
base are the winner, runner up, and
third place! They get victory points
equal to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd number
on the base card respectively.
Anyone with the 4th highest power
or lower gets nothing. If there are
less than 3 players on a base, no
one gets the VPs for the unclaimed
spots. Dispense VP tokens in the
appropriate amounts to everyone
who scored. Abilities that happen
“when” a base scores may change
how this happens. You must have at
least one minion or 1 power on a
base to get victory points.

Tie Fighter
If players are tied on a base, all
involved players get points for the
best position they tied for. So, if three
players had 10, 10, and 5 power on a
base when it scores, the winners with
10 power each get first place points!
The player with 5 power then gets
third place, not second. If two players
tie for runner up, no one gets third
place. Harsh.
If players tie for use of a base’s ability,
they each get to use it, starting
with the current player and going
clockwise. If using it twice doesn’t
make sense (e.g. choosing the next
base), then only the first player gets
to use it.

Back to Your Corners
After awarding points, players can use
abilities that happen “after” a base
scores, in the same order described
under “Me First”. Then all cards still
on that base go to their respective
discard piles simultaneously. Going to
the discard pile after scoring is not the
same as being destroyed; however, it
still might trigger other abilities.
Put the scored base into the base
discard pile. Replace it with the top
card of the base deck; shuffle the base
discard pile if needed. Check to see
if another base is ready to be scored.
Score it too, the same way

Scoring order:
1. Bases are checked to see if any are
ready to score. If none are, go to
the End Turn phase.
2. The current player chooses a base
that is ready.
3. Players may play and/or invoke any
“Before scoring” abilities.
4. VPs are awarded according to
the current power totals. “When
scoring” abilities may trigger now.
5. Players may play and/or invoke any
“After scoring” abilities. This may
affect steps 6-8.
6. All cards on the base are discarded.
7. The base is discarded.
8. A new base is chosen to replace it.
9. Go to step 1.

Game Over, Man!
At the end of any turn
that someone reaches
15 VP, the player with
the most victory points
wins. If there is a tie for
the most, keep playing
turns until there isn’t.
No sharing! Except for
your two factions. You
guys are BFFs

Terms and Restrictions
Some restrictions apply. See rules for
details. Supplies limited.
Affect: A card is
affected if it is moved
or transferred,
removed from play
(i.e. destroyed,
returned, shuffled, or
placed), changed in
power or controller,
or has an action
attached, or its
ability canceled.
After: “After
X do Y”,
means X is
before Y is
done. (Unless X is “a
base scores”, p. 8.)
Cancel: This means
the ability is treated
as if it does not exist.

Control: By default,
each card you play is
controlled by you. If
you gain control of a
card, it is as if you had
played it: minions add
to your power total,
abilities on the card
apply to you and you
can use them, etc. Controlling a minion
does not mean you control any actions
played on it, but their abilities apply
normally. When the card leaves play, it
goes to the hand, deck, or discard pile
of its owner, not its current controller.
"Having" cards at a base means you
control them.
Destroy: This lets
you remove a card
that’s in play and put
it in the discard pile.
Directly: Card X
directly affects card Y
if X’s ability does one
of the things listed
under “Affect”, and Y is
a target specified by X.

Discard: This lets
you put a card that is
not in play or has just
been scored into the
discard pile. It comes
from your hand unless
it says otherwise.
Extra: An extra minion
or action is one that is
not counted against
your normal limit of
one per type per turn.
You may always play
it immediately. If an
ability gives you an
extra card during the
Play Cards phase, you may play it later
in the phase unless it refers to a specific
card, or it was given by a Special ability.
Extra cards are optional.
In Play: Cards
in play are in the
middle of the table,
i.e. an active base or
any card on it. Cards
in the hand, deck, or
discard pile, or set
aside, or in the box,
are not in play.

Move: This lets you
relocate a minion or
titan from one base
to another, along
with any cards or
counters on it.
Moving a card does
not count as playing
it. On-play abilities
do not trigger when you move
a card, but Ongoing, Special, and Talent
abilities still have their effects.
On your turn:
This means
during the
normal Play
Cards phase of
your turn. You
can only do it
once per turn unless it says otherwise.
Ongoing: Ongoing
abilities are active
for as long as they’re
in play, and/or they
trigger at some later
time while in play.
They do not work
from the hand, deck or
discard pile.

Owner: The player
who had the card
at the start of the
game. Monsters
and treasures have
no owner.
Place: This lets you
relocate a card in a
way not covered by
other terms, such as
from a base to the
bottom of your deck,
or from the discard
pile to your hand.
It also lets you put
power counters on a card.
Play: You play a card
when it’s one of the
free cards you get in
the Play Cards phase,
or any time an ability
specifically says
that you’re playing
it. A card’s ability
happens when you
play it. When cards are moved, placed, or
returned, they’re not being played, and
their abilities don’t happen.

Return: This means
that a card goes back
where it came from.
When a card returns
from a base, discard
attachments on that
card, and put it in its
owner’s hand.
Special: Most abilities
happen when you
play a card. Special
abilities happen at
unusual times or in
unusual ways. Special
abilities might trigger
on a card already
in play, or in your
hand or discard pile. A card’s ability will
describe how it can be used. If you use
a Special ability to play a card on your
turn, it doesn’t count as one of your free
cards for that turn.
Standard: A standard
action is one that
does not say “Play on
a base” or “Play on a
minion”. It does its
job and leaves.

Starting: The
power of a minion
or breakpoint of a
base before being
modified by other
abilities. Normally this
is the number printed
on the minion or base,
but some cards can
change it.
Talent: This is an
ability that the card
may use once during
the Play Cards phase
of each of your turns.
You don’t have to use
it if you don’t want to.

To: Some
cards say,
“Do X to
do Y” (e.g.
cards equal
to a minion’s
power to destroy it.”) With these cards,
if X gets thwarted for any reason (e.g.,
you don’t have enough cards in hand),
then you can’t do any of X, or Y, either.
So there.
Transfer: This lets
you relocate actions
or power counters
from one card to
another. When
adding counters to
your cards (from the
pool), or discarding
counters from your
cards (to the pool),
that’s not transferring.

All For One: The
minion gains +1
power for every such
action played before
the end of the turn,
not just one +1 total.
Always Get Our
Man: The power
difference need only
be true before the
move. If it’s not true
after the move (e.g.
your minion moved
away from Haich-Q),
the other minion is
still destroyed.
Aramis: This card
can only trigger
during the Play Cards
phase of your turn. It
cannot interact with
Last Stand.

Capa Roja: This can
destroy minions
with a printed power
of 3 or less even if
their actual power is
increased to be
more than 3.
Cheap Pop,
Reversal, Yellow
Demon: A Set-Up
action is an action
with “Set-Up” as part
of its name.
Because of the Card
Resolution Order
(see p.7), after an
action is played that
affects D’Artagnan
(step 1), D’Artagnan
has you draw a card
(step 3) before the
action that affected it is discarded (step
5). Therefore among other things, there
can be no infinite loop between
D’Artagnan and Favor of Dionysus.

Fighting Spirit
Prize: You place
either two +1 power
counters on a single
minion, or one
power counter each
on two minions.
Grasp the Belt: You
may choose to move
a minion you control,
even if it’s your only
minion on the base.
Great White
North, Eh?:
whether to
use the base
ability in turn order starting with the
current player.
Mountie Major: Its
power bonus can
change as the
number of minions of
other players at its
base changes. If there
is a tie for the most
minions, just add the
tied number once.

Pin: A minion with
Pin on it still has its
power, and it still is
added to the total
power on the base
for breaking it, and it
counts for cards like
Third Tier. Its power
does not add to its
controller’s total for determining VP
rewards or for cards like Marking
Territory. If a Pinned minion is your only
minion on a base, its presence counts for
earning VP rewards there if zero is one of
the top three power totals there.
Powerful Set-Up: If
this ends up on a
minion you control
(through action
transfer, or taking
control of the minion)
that minion still gets
the +1 power.
Top Tier: If an ability
has you discard
several cards (e.g.
Bulking Stew), you
only place one +1
power counter.

Void Where Prohibited
Often, card text and rules text will
conflict. When there's a fight, card text
wins. So there’s an invisible “unless
stated otherwise” with every rule in
this book. Exception: Minion power
and base breakpoint are never reduced
below zero.
If cards conflict, the one that says you
can't do something beats the one that
says you can.
If multiple effects would happen at the
same time, the player whose turn it is
chooses the order.
You can play a card even if its ability
can’t or doesn’t happen. For example,
you can play an action that destroys a
minion even if no minions are in play,
or if the minion you choose is immune
to destruction.
You must follow a card’s ability, even if
it’s bad for you. Exceptions: Extra cards
are optional, as are abilities that say you
“may” do something.
If an ability says “any number” you may
choose one, or even zero. You may play
a card that says “all” even if there are
no targets.

If you get to play extra minions or
actions outside the Play Cards phase,
you must play those extra cards
immediately or not at all.
Anyone may look through any discard
pile at any time.
“A minion” or “an action” means any
minion/action in play, unless stated
otherwise. Exception: “Play a minion/
action” means one from the hand.
When a card that others can see goes to
the hand, deck, or discard pile, it goes to
the one belonging to the card’s owner
(i.e. the player whose deck the card
came from), no matter who played or
controlled it.
When a card leaves play, any cards and
counters on it are discarded.
Specials may be played at any time
they are applicable, even on other
players’ turns.
The power of a minion not in play is only
the number printed on it, but once in
play its power includes all modifications.
Power counters on minions and titans
always modify their power. Power
counters have no effect on actions or
bases or buried cards.

If not stated, the effects of an ability
expire at the end of the turn, or when
its card leaves play, whichever is sooner.
Exception: with no stated deadline, a
control change of a minion lasts until
the minion leaves play, or its control
changes again.
“You” on a minion, action, or titan means
the controller of the card; on a base it
means any player it describes, often the
current player. “Other players” means
everyone except “you”. “Your” cards are
those you control, whether or not you
own them.

“Here” means the base the card is at;
“there” means the location just referred
to on the card.
If you “look” at a card, show it to no
one else. If you “reveal” it, show it to
everyone else. If you “search” a deck or
discard pile for a card you must reveal
the card chosen. After searching a deck
it must be shuffled.

The Factions
This set of Smash Up features four
factions, which combine to make 6
possible decks. Counting all the Smash
Up sets, there are now over 2200
possible faction combos! Mix and match
factions to suit your play style.
They’re going to the top
rope! The Luchadors
bring the high-flying
stunts of Mexican
wrestling to the Smash Up
squared-circle! These masked wrestlers
defy gravity, and their opponents, using
their signature techniques to get the pin,
and of course, break the base! Beware
their set-ups, because their follow-ups
are usually brutal!
Turn of the century
Canada *cue silent
film piano*... the
Great White North is
protected by the noble
Mounties and their...
battle moose!
The Mounties always get their man,
no matter how devious, all while
upholding the noble demeanor of
Canada. They like to be around others,
and it’s not just friendliness -- they are
gathering their strength to take over.

One for all, and all for
one! Or three! Or really
four, because there were
four of them, but we’ll
ignore that, just like the
title of the book! The Musketeers were
the super heroes of Renaissance France,
taking on corrupt elements with style
and panache. Their quick skills with the
blade were matched only by their quick
wit. After biding their time, they explode
into a dazzling series of actions.
Sumo Wrestlers
The powerful sumo
wrestlers of Japan can
really throw their weight
around the bases! These
massive warriors can knock back any
enemies that come against them, but
don’t let their initial girth fool you.
They will sacrifice cards for power, and
use that power to knock all opponents
out of the ring ... and base!

Roll Credits
Game Design: Paul Peterson
Development: Mark Wootton, Bryan Stout
Art Direction: Todd Rowland
Art: Francisco Rico Torres, Gong Studios,
Victor Corbella
Graphic Design: Kalissa Fitzgerald
Writing: Todd Rowland, Bryan Stout
Editing: Bryan Stout
Proofreading: Bryan Stout, Koby Bonin,
Dave Bunce, Adam East, Tim Helms, Boaz Moser,
Duc-Man Nguyen, Robert Payne, Logan Pierce,
Jim Price
Layout and Typesetting: Kalissa Fitzgerald
Project Lead: Nicolas Bongiu
Production: Dave Lepore
Brand Management: Todd Rowland
Playtesting Director: Bryan Stout
Playtesting: Adam Aleksik, Gage Alleman,
Alexandra Allen, Timothy Allen, Megan Amsler,
Benjamin Anderson, Wes Anderson, Gilad Asal,
Nadav Asal, Victor Asal, Kostas Asimakopoulos,
Judah Banning, Ryan Barnhill, Dimitris Bayas,
Rebecca Bell, Jack Berry, Nicolas Bongiu,
Koby Bonin, Brittany Boudreaux, Nathan Boxall,
Connor Brown, Dave Bunce, Debbie Cartwright,
Emma Cartwright, Freya Cartwright,
James Cartwright, Jessica Cartwright, Ed Cole,
Anne Cook, Michelle Cook, Joschka Cors,
John Coudour, Brock Craddock, Mike Czerniewski,
Brodin Dalglish, Justin Davis, David de la Asunción,
Carlos de la Cruz, Grata de Utrilla, Ayne Delgado,
Christopher Dembrosky, Daniel Dembrosky,
David Dembrosky, Brian Denning,

Graham DeRousse, Corentin Desthieux,
Marielena Doukaki, James Douthit, Adam East,
Jewel East, Seth East, Nate Edwards,
Jannis Eisenmenger, Grant Ellis, Marthasue Evans,
Owen Farrell, Jaime Ferris, Jared Frail,
BriAnne Friesen, Zachary Funk, Markos Georgiadis,
Andrew Gerber, Dimitrios Giannakis,
Daniel Glassey, Eric Glassey, David Good,
Andraz Gorisek, Zan Gostencnik, Luca Guarini,
Óscar Guasch, Maurice Haedrich, Jacob Haimes,
Stephen Halleman, Troy Hanson, Dean Harris,
Rob Haskins, Gina Hebert, Tim Helms, Adam Holt,
Allyson Holt, David Hoyt, Kenneth Iannello,
Filippos Intzes, Alba Jiménez, Keeley Jones,
Jan Kotnik, Urban Kotnik, Jacob Kottke,
Regan Kubena, Justin Lajoie, Garrett Lapham,
Teagan Laws, Anthony LeBlanc, Crystal LeBlanc,
Pablo López, Zach Lyons, Luis Mares, Sam Martin,
Pete Miller, Patrick Moore, Boaz Moser,
Kelley Murphy, Jordan Myers, Kyle Neuman,
Duc-Man Nguyen, Le-Thi Nguyen,
Gerrit Oestreich, Lydie Oriol, Mihael Pacnik,
Sara Patten, Brittany Payne, Robert Payne,
Christophe Petitjean, Maxime Petitjean,
Katie Pierce, Lane Pierce, Laura Pierce,
Logan Pierce, Jim Price, Mihailis Raftopoulos,
Ivan Ramirez, Josh Rathert, Robert Ray,
Erik Rhodes, Amanda Roby, Jeremy Roby,
Nathan Rodd, Tyler Russ, Cassie Sardeson,
Michael Schneider, Ashley Sellers, Leah Selman,
Shaun Skow, Kenneth Smith, Valentin Soulisse,
Andy Sullivan, Libby Sullivan, Kirk Taber,
Sergio Tatay, Dimitris Theodoropoulos,
Mike Tinsley, Manolis Trachiotis, Sarah Trager,
George Trujillo, Garrett Tyree, Tammy Tyree,
Fabien Vannier, Dionysis Visvardis, Ben Walters,
Steven Weir, Nate Werner, Mark Whaite,
Andrew Willis, Shawn Wise, Mark Wootton,
Beth Workman, Anna Wray, Landon Wray

Legal Mumbo-Jumbo
© 2019 Alderac Entertainment Group. Smash Up, World Tour: International Incident and all related marks
are ™ and © Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. 555 N El Camino Real #A393, San Clemente, CA 92672 USA.
All rights reserved. Printed in China.
Blah blah blah.
Warning: Choking hazard! Not for use by children under 3 years of age.
Smash Up mechanic designed by Paul Peterson, used under license by Alderac Entertainment Group.
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